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About func_Soap

  • Birthday 10/22/1999

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  1. "Aye, as oi wus dyin' on a chair yew 'ppeared ou' o' nowhere an' accosted meh do'tah. An' t'ere's a reason oi moved ou' o' t'e Peregrin burrow - i'ss 'cus oi dun' feel safe wi' yew 'angin' 'roun' t'e shoire loike a banshee." "Suw koindleh, give up yer own 'onourarehship since yew clearleh en' in t'e bidniss o' prote'tin' t'e wee. Yer'd rat'ah bera'e us as weh doie." "An' all t'at besoides, oi t'ink oi'm well wit'in moi roights ter respon' wit' 'ostili'eh tew a biggun wah's physicalleh domina'ed meh." Suffice it to say Uncle isn't happy with this account of events.
  2. "Noice spellin' mistake - i'ss a shame t'is is a wri''en documen' wah' carn' beh edi'ed." Uncle Peepaw tuts upon spotting a version of the document.
  3. Mister 'Uncle' / 'Peepaw' Applebottom-Peregrin's jaw trembles in pride and fury. Not even the Orcs, who mere moments ago had ruthlessly attacked the coronation, could bring themselves to harm the fun brigade. For the first(?) and greatest Pumpkin Raid as yet seen on Aevos, incited by the ancient halfling himself, to end in such disaster brings the old-timer great sorrow. The feeling is at least tempered with the joy of having incited, participated, and for a short while directed the throng of pumpkins. "An' yet," he muses, "avin' 'eard now uv moi demoise in t'at fa'eful cour'yard, oi still dew nah' considah i' a mistake tew 'ave gone. Knox lef' t'ose winduws open, an' tew 'ave ignored 'um woulda bin even worse t'an wah' transpoired."
  4. Name: Mister PADRIC Applebottom-Peregrin Race (only certain races are accepted): Superior. Unknown. Unknowable. Position oi'm runnin' fer: Sheriff Me campaign promises: Oi'll be sheriff
  5. "Nein" and "niet" are as simple as "divide your age by 2." And the whole problem with the Elf thing was that they physically and mentally mature at 18 but are only culturally mature at 50. By making Halflings mature at 18 but encouraging us to continue to culturally celebrate maturity at 33, all you've done is make it legal for people to predate on culturally pre-mature people. If a halfling is older than 18 but younger than 33, they're considered by the rules to be an adult but by culture to be a child. This grey area has been ADDED by the rules change. This grey area is the PROBLEM with the old Elf lore. The only problem BEFORE the rules change for Halflings was that staff didn't want to enforce the lore. So now we've been given an unwanted "fix" without being informed ahead of time to a problem we didn't have that has widened the risk and will require greater moderation to ensure it isn't abused. Why is it a good thing that Halflings will now face the same problem Elves did before this fix? For Halflings before: "wtf that's a child, they're younger than 33!" For Halflings now: "well they're a grown-up but still a child??? They're older than 18 but younger than 33????? Is that alright????????" Thanks for the Elf problem. This update has unfixed it. We consider Halflings age 18-32 to be children IRP. These rules allow people to FTB with those Halflings. This is a step backwards.
  6. There's at least 2 communities here who feel entirely divorced from lore now. There's at least 2 communities which have had a fundamental restructuring to the age progression of our characters and the culture that sprouts from that age progression changed without any communication of it. It's a bombshell to drop onto 2 niche communities that, especially for the Halflings, have rendered children adults over-night. The entire point of soft-shelving lore is to gradually phase in changes to support some level of continuity of lore, but that's impossible to bridge in this instance. A 2/3rds grown child is now an adult. For individual characters, that's coming-of-age celebrations that can't be RPed, or it's generations compressed down into smaller age ranges. It's wanting to RP a child but being forced to RP an adult. Timelines can't just be Thanos snapped into different circumstances without fracturing those continuities. For the Halfling community it's a cultural earthquake as a lot of the opinions regarding the other races are suddenly rendered invalid. It's a large chunk of the dogma that's supported the culture for years being removed. It's actively destructive to the Halflings. And we weren't contacted regarding it. And it's only happening because it's too difficult to moderate take number of years and divide by two. It's comparable to if, because of language difficulties, English was the only IRL language allowed to be used IRP. English-speaking moderation won't know what's a slur and what isn't, so let's only allow English. Say goodbye to the foundational chunks of most human cultures, because it's just too difficult! What's the Russian version of the N-word? What's the Arabic version of the F-word? The most active Highlander and Farfolk groups aren't allowed to use their distinct languages anymore.
  7. Try reading the rest of my post buddy. Physically grown =/= Age of maturity. There are no races that should be FTBing with ages of maturity less than 18. 18 should be the minimum for FTB. I'll reiterate the bit about the Orcs specifically for you. Orcs: Get physically fully-grown at 12 but their age of maturity is 18. They are not mentally mature until 18. I could not have been more specific, I literally colour-coded it for you. Whatever aging lore stuff happens with accelerations or decelerations, rules-wise, boils down to Age Of Maturity = <Number>, which should at minimum for all races be 18. Doesn't matter if there's a race that only physically matures quicker or only mentally matures quicker, you can have a big box with a number equal to or greater than 18 as Age Of Maturity and if that is ever broken by player FTB, that's counted as enabling.
  8. The problem with the Elves was that they are physically and emotionally 'fully-grown' at age 18, and yet in most 'actual' Elven cultures are considered adolescents until they're age 50. Orcs physically aged faster, and stripping that from them to make it a uniform 18 | 18 (physical | mental maturity) exclusively removes from the race. Halflings physically and mentally aged slower (33 | 33), and stripping that from us similarly exclusively removes from our race. As has already been mentioned, this was a very simple fix: 'You may not FTB with sexual implications / romance RP beneath the age of maturity of the characters' races. See Wiki for the age of maturity for different races. Ologs: never reach the age of maturity due to their mental state. Orcs: Get physically fully-grown at 12 but their age of maturity is 18. Halflings: Can keep their longer juvenile phase, with an age of maturity of 33. Elves: Reach the age of maturity at 18 (but are often culturally regarded as adolescent until 50).' These changes make lore moderation simpler at the expense of, y'know, lore. This isn't some ridiculous-level bloat you've cut back on, these are core features of niche races that have simple solutions. In the case of Orcs; is someone RPing their ~12 year old Orc as an adult? If yes, they're breaching the lore. In the case of Halflings; is someone RPing their ~18 year old Halfling as an adult? If yes, they're breaching the lore. There's a simple solution to these instances, starting with a warning and ending with the revoking of characters and the blacklisting of players from races. If handling such simple lore breaches is a task too complex for current LT, that's a problem with LT, not the lore.
  9. "Wah' t'e fock?" Uncle "Peepaw" Applebottom-Peregrin remarks, being otherwise lost for words and having read a little too far for his own mental stability.
  10. Uncle Peregrin observes one such wanted poster. They put his drawing to great use! He grins a moment, then gets mad, cus he really wants that guy found. Hopefully the picture will help!
  11. "Oi knew them wheat fields shou'n't'a' been meaty!" angrily, Uncle Peregrin throws down his gardening mittens. +1 pls implement funni plant
  12. func_Soap


    Been a while coming (and most o you prolly glad for it) but I’m downgrading myself off the server, crap’s degraded my mental health long enough, o7
  13. https://gyazo.com/c71ac8299ed69ee2346ed05e3aa40763


    hello? for what?

    do people not get reasons for warnings anymore?

    Edited by _Hexe_
  14. Admin threatens to ban those who had been naughty, both sides included, if the two sides can’t sort out some conflict rules. Admin implements temporary CDs due to one side being naughty to the other, despite the ongoing war chat. Let’s not play a game of ignore the context. CDs can still be overruled if both sides agree. The issue is with the lax rules as they were, people will, and have, taken advantage.
  15. OmGoMGOmG ANoTHEr foLLower hELlo HeLlo!

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