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Status Updates posted by Nico

  1. This is... such a nice.. community?

  2. Today we remember Laterre for failing to pull a pugsy.

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      ^I don't think he killed a single guy.

    2. Raptorious


      I thought he killed 2?

  3. Who is this new Rhia everybody's talking about.

  4. What happened to all the donator perks? I can't even log in when the server is full now. /disappointed

    1. ek_knight


      Native has said it is not intentional, it is a bug.

  5. This new economy plugin with the horrible system of exchaning iron/dimond for emeralds messed up the whole economy and it's prices. If 1 diamond is 2 emerald what the hell is going to be the price of 1 piece of bread? 0.05 minas? No dang sense. Atleast exchange iron/diamond for emeralds at the current market price...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Materials will always have worth. Never trust currency to get you by.

    3. lemontide331
    4. hRV


      Dat financial Nick.

  6. I'm Drowning in NJ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      To the webcams!

    3. Cracker


      shut up nico its fine in sb

    4. ski_king3


      Swim down here to Maryland, we're only a kiddy pool right now.

  7. @NewSoulStonePlugin The last thing we need is more commands to remember and use in the server. Vaq was actually doing a good job when he slowly was converting all commands to ingame moments and things you can do. Please try to convert the new soulstone commands into things you can do in game (movements).

  8. What if... We had the new beacons in 1.4 as places where players can setsouls. A beacon can be set in by GM's in places the most important places. i.e cities, nations, cloud temple. Then when player wishes to change their soulstone position they must go to the beacon and do something to activate. Just an idea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Pretty good idea actually.

    3. yekim8


      The Mori would be scared of using their soul stones then :P

    4. Austin


      The light pillars can be viewed as a IC function

  9. Sneak Peak from Humans in 3.0 map http://i.imgur.com/5gAPY.jpg Thanks Syrio!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog
    3. danic


      The clouds are not actually there, they were photoshopped/whatever in he image.

    4. MrSyth


      If they continue photoshopping these sneakpeaks (I know most of it is done with the Sonic Ether's shaders, probably) everyone's gonna be disappointed in 3.0 because of it not being like it looked on the sneak peeks, lol.

  10. CoasterCam0 For Gm 2012.

  11. Its hard to "fix" a community when its own Game moderators repeatedly say that there exists no community.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      what? What Gm says that? and wht does that even mean?

    3. Fid


      ... This makes me sad.

    4. Elfen_


      Uthor, flaming comments? Are you saying my comment was flaming. It was more or less of suggestion. .... :/

  12. Tonight you are all going to be part of a *social experiment*.

    1. Cynthia~



  13. Armaluna Warclaim time+date has changed. Please view if you have anything to do with it. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68143-the-warriors-fate/page__pid__551466__st__40#entry551466

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      * sniffle* ArmaLuna..

  14. You don't got anything on me zombies. http://imgur.com//ZFzlE

    1. Kaiser


      yup thats you

    2. Alex_Pan


      This guy, just shouting FIGHT YE PUSSAYS the whole time.

  15. @Vaq : Keep up the good patches the skill system is slowly getting to a point of balance.


  17. Server ddos right when the battle is about to begin... I wonder how they get such a critical chance to attack... I wonder if the Dwarfs have anything to do with this... #StopDdosingTheNander!

    1. Kaiser


      I be a no DDoS dwarf

      don' be racist -_-

  18. Tip : Don't "Argue" with a GM

  19. @ Vekaro : Add me on Skype.

    1. bungo
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      -Looks at Vekaro's status right below this-


  20. What's on your mind?

  21. "Sultan_Mogroka" was removed from server group "Server Admin (6)" by "Sultan_Mogroka" Is Mogroka still Admin or Not?

  22. Really, really Assassins? WTF is this, I don't even know anymore.

    1. Braxis


      ^ Is trolling...Badly

  23. I never take a peasants food, but a noble's gold...

  24. Respiren, Respiren, Respiren... Lets Talk about Nico.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nico


      I heard Nico poos on peasents.

    3. Agnub


      I heard Nico was a habitual slacker whose only claim to fame comes from his record of failed attempts to woo women.

    4. Agnub


      ^ I'm soz, Lord, I apologize for that one there, and please be with all the starving Pygmies down there in New Guinea.

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