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Status Updates posted by Jarkarll

  1. THE HORDE HAS ARRIVED! They're climbing up yo windows, they're snatching yo canned beans up, so better hide yer noobs, and hide yer guns, cuz they're rapin' people in Soviet Russia ------THIS IS MINE!!! #copyright

  2. The King of the North is always doomed.

  3. The Llamas of Drama. Tsk tsk

    1. danic


      *stirs his coffee and sips it* Somebody really should kill that thing. .

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It is either the pandas of peace or the pandas of purgatory

  4. The Manateearchal Order shall rise!

  5. The OG pugsy has been unbanned. Que LaTerre's next ban appeal.

  6. The oppresion and the harrassment about the orc's intellectualism is genuinely insulting and I demand an open and public apology!

    1. Skippy


      no go away

  7. THE SKY IS FALLING! Now shut up, I don't care.

    1. loakmendbe



  8. The tilde's people! OMG the tildes! Make it end!

  9. The Uruk & Subudai Conspirators, prepare... for we are coming, and the zombies shall die... and we will have ALL the canned beans!!!!

    1. Braxis


      Fm's are preparing ((once the others get the game that is..))

  10. The vague statuses pertaining to whatever drama is going on now really needs to stop. It doesn't make anything better, and trying to give a subtle one finger salute is only making an issue already slightly out of hand worse.

  11. The wake is on Friday, and the funeral is on Saturday. I will be directing an assembly in school to help people cope, hopefully i don't get the same problem as last time and have 15 girls crying on my shoulder. Wish me luck. Also this means i probably won't be back until Monday.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. williewonka01


      I am very sorry to hear this, good luck.

    3. Faeyin


      Do what you need to do, and know that Aegis and LoC, including all of us, will be here to provide a pressure-free, always fun and interesting RP environment. There will be plenty of things to do in the coming days and plenty of people to talk to if you ever feel the need to. There are plenty of us with lots of life experiences under our belt to help with anything as well. I know you already know all this, but everyone here, young or old, supports you and everyone else affected by this. If you...

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity
  12. The White Rose, death of all, but can they be saviours too? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5BCe7yZCVJk/TGg4Bczqt9I/AAAAAAAABME/zadgbUpvBa0/s1600/death.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jarkarll


      We'll see about that when the Antagonist reveals itself. :)

    3. yekim8


      Be nice, the WR might be the only chance to bring back Salamandra in Kharajyr form.

    4. Norman


      White Rose abuse.

  13. There's a disgruntled Swede on TS.

    1. 3andD



  14. This is getting ridiculous..

    1. Slic3man
    2. Skippy


      As a member of the free lore act, I request the Tueton lore be shown to the public!

    3. Jarkarll
  15. This lag is atrocious.

  16. This pity wagon-- penetrates my skin-- so sensitive-- makes me sick| Chevelle is the best!

  17. Today has quickly become one of the most negatively note worthy days of my entire life. :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Put a smile on yo' face!

    3. Peter Chivay
    4. Kaiser


      well lets be optomistic here

      if today was the WORST then....


  18. Today was a good day to be an orc.!

    1. Jarkarll


      Not so much for Dwarves...

    2. Cracker


      stole my line

  19. Tomorow is the Funeral.. family chose me to bury my friend... it get's harder every day. I seek asylum and someone to talk to but no one really understands me. The last person i buried was my brother, after his death i was never the same. If my life keeps spiraling down i make my leave of LOTC and probably my friends and seek something i can relate too.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hazia


      The best of wishes to you. I lost my best friend this summer to drugs. I was just completely unable to feel anything for quite a while, and it still hurts every day. They asked me to speak at his service and I just couldnt. Dont think you have to do it if you really just cant. We're all here for you.

    3. Jarkarll


      The diffrence is that my friend just dropped in the middle of class, he was dead, the autopsy brought up no results of drugs, and he had no terminal illneses or anything mildly life threatning.

    4. Hazia


      Im very sorry...tragic. My friend wasn't a druggy or anything...his parents were out of town, he had some friends over and decided to try a fairly small dose of Acid, and his heart just stopped. No on has ever overdosed on so little acid before. Ever....so I really do feel your pain. It doesnt make sense at all. I hope you start feeling better soon.

  20. Two days ago was my LoTC birthday... didn't even notice

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eleatic


      Happy Birsday, do I get kizz?

    3. Jarkarll


      Nope, only I get presents on mah birfday :3

    4. Eleatic
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