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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. Just run warclaims on an older less laggy version of Minecraft and instance into 2+ battles in different worlds/servers. Survivors of each then duke it out for total victory. Tbh.

    1. ScreamingDingo


      shame that blocks from newer versions are commonplace now...

    2. argonian


      You don't need them for warclaims though. Aesthetics don't matter. Just have the warclaim versions use cobble instead. 

  2. I heard Varg personally intervened to get Narthok unbanned. Thoughts? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Carson


      This server shouldn’t be tainted further by Neo-Nazis. Nowhere should be.

    3. argonian


      Could you please explain how jokingly saying you're a descendent of a ******* an-prim meme is neo-nazism? Ty

    4. ZythusRequiem
  3. real orenians wear beards

    why don’t you? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      the guy you always beg to + 1 ur posts LOL !

    3. Icarnus


      this ban renders you delusional, while ive nearly broken free

    4. argonian


      when i leak the logs ur getting permabanned kid 

  4. Hi @GodEmperorFlam hi was just wondering when you were resigning like you promised ?

  5. narthok makes me ANGRY

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1wEPzuqQeM

    any of my fellow minemensch remember this 

  7. do any of my fellow minemen remember this 

  8. LOL flamboyant thinking he can still play lore god after his resignation 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      flam is just my alternate account.

    2. Raomir


      dude was a megaflop LOL

  9. >cant defend yourself if you get attacked


  10. Is the wandering wizard really non-canon now or is that just a meme

  11. downloaded an alpha resource pack and damn i’d forgotten how much better the old music was. 

  12. i got tp’d into lobby wtf

  13. how to get tridents 

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      its not worth it, i just got donated one from the recent fight and it deals 1 heart to full iron


      unless you’re rping ofc, then its absolutely kickass

    2. argonian


      If you fire them w a bow it does more dmg

  14. how the hell is still server still going 

  15. "Follow these guidelines and you're safe from a ban. @501warhead @Knox @Llir Am I wrong? Also give me a blue tag. "

    heard 501's trading handjobs for positions, soft hands only requirement

  16. quick reminder that anti-freebuild means anti-FREEDOM 

    1. argonian


      "remove freebuild" is codeword for white genocide

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      What if I want white genocide and freebuild at the same time?

  17. GOD bless the dominion 

    1. oblivionsbane


      GOD loves Elves, friend

  18. how do i change my forum username

    1. Zacho


      Click the arrow next to your profile pic, account settings, then display name and enter a new one, can only enter one every day or so!

  19. hey guys quick reminder there is NOTHING wrong with roll fighting

    1. Noer


      Roll fighting is best fighting

    2. ibraheemc2000


      i kinda got to admit, if your in a spot where just ooc back and forth its really nice just to roll for it XP but i do like good rp combat as long as noo ooc screaching and powegaming is involved

    3. Netphreak


           I do remember a time where a group and myself were roll fighting. I rolled a 1/20 and they rolled a 20/20; needless to say, my character ended up exploding after getting hit by a pebble thrown by a small child. It was a fun experience.

  20. aeldin ex machina is such a shitty meme

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