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Status Updates posted by Dilara(lotteje13)

  1. *clumsy farmer intensifies*

    1. zaezae


      *can't even pull crops out of dirt*

  2. http://fav.me/d7qh23c i drew my adorable rp characters for once again Q_Q yes i cant wait to rp again tbh...
    1. Snoop


      Can you draw my character? :)

    2. Dilara(lotteje13)
    3. youdude


      "Hey Dilara, you smell nice."

      "Stap it demon das *****"

      "Do I smell innocence?"

  3. we sould all play boardgame online together untill the server is up...

    1. Grouchy


      Dungeons and dragons

    2. Rassidic
    3. Ark


      link i'll play

  4. for thos who didnt know yet about the minecraft conventient scams going on

  5. so uhh... how is lotc going? still alot of drama or?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crayfishchris


      Make a high elfie, Kyara. PM me if you wish for more details :3

    3. Minniefox


      Need more human children, but still Oren is pretty much abondoned currently.

    4. hex37


      Oren is abandoned unless there is a fight going on

      *Gasp* It's becoming the dwarves all over again

  6. unicorns are the one true god...

  7. mothers day tomorrow o-o

  8. guys remember... mothers day is this weekend

  9. so uuhh... dilara the character... is 4 RL years old... i have had her for 4 years now... geez... atleast thats when i started drawing her...

    1. idk


      Hi grandma

  10. shhh all of you just shh... its not gonna help his case... if you spam the status updates with a tag...

  11. ... pokemone ruby and sapphire remake confirmed... hoenn... is making a return guys

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gam


      what about emerald?

    3. Dilara(lotteje13)


      they said nothing about emerald

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅
  12. http://www.livestream.com/lotteje13 derpy livestream drawing random stuff... might do some reqeusts idk yet
  13. *w* dinner was yummy today!

  14. can i have some hugs QwQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SodaiKamikaze
    3. DecoLamb


      I will give you hugs as well as snuggles and licks

    4. Cappy



  15. bored :I kinda want to draw but idk dont want to draw anything serious

    1. Korvic


      Draw a doodle of my character applying mustache cream. (As detailed as you like) http://goo.gl/7y31S6

      Of course, only if you want to.

  16. i have finally learned the art of napping... after all these years of not being able to do it... i finally did it

    1. Toastersaurus


      You live such a hard life.

  17. lotc tumblr needs more cyber jokes...

    1. everblue2er101


      Will do. PM me suggestions.

  18. let it go~ let it go~ I didnt like anthos anyway~

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