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Status Updates posted by KarmaDelta

  1. "Wallet or life?"

    1. ~ Fiend ~
    2. mitto


      coin or existance

    3. Raptorious


      gold or breath

  2. Aislin's Proficiency: Rep whoring.

  3. Buy my stuff at the auction houses.

  4. It's rainin men, hallelujah it's rainin men!

  5. Shaolin soccer was awesome.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Shaolin soccer confused the **** out of me. and I speak their language.

    2. KarmaDelta


      Were you trying to read into it like how english teachers try to read into the color of curtains to demonstrate the thought process of the author?

  6. I apologize for my recent actions about attempting to start a riot on the server by mass banditing people. Can I have my warning point removed now?

    1. TeaLulu


      no its ur punishment for being naughty

    2. Heff


      yah stupid troll

  7. All the players within the Dwarven regions do not require a VA. Freedom of RP and character progression.

  8. We need more Malcom X, the administration is blind.

    1. Servant of St. Owyn

      Servant of St. Owyn

      I think we need more American History X

  9. I say we all follow Ebony's words and just make a huge bandit party and just go mug and kill people in protest. We need a Rosa Parks move here guys.

  10. There is no community manager, it was all a joke guys. Don't worry though, they'll lock the thread and say we'll get over it in a day, maybe less!

  11. The moment I see MKX playable on PC, I kill.

  12. Elves are only good for one thing, and that's erp.

    1. Helios_


      Who says they're good at that? You've got some experience?

  13. Sky's avatar has side boob, I am triggered.

    1. argonian


      triggers trigger me

  14. GG Oren. See ya tomorrow for the next raid!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Salvo


      Hacks aswell? :)

    3. InfamousGerman


      may come back soon lefty :^)

    4. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      Oh don't forget ooc shields :)

  15. LoTC = Warframe

    1. Salamandra


      I wish. Damn I used to be so good at that game

  16. The warclaim is back on ladies.

  17. Everyone I believe we have been rused. This is not 4.0, this is 3.9, a test to the real 4.0. If we have been fooled, and this downtime is to setup the new map and it's regions, among other things, we have been properly bamboozled. GG LoTC.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      "Essential Files", you're not even trying to cover it up! Rael is wrong, that was a horrible cover! Those "Essential Files" are probably the new map and our new gadgets, maybe even magic! This rollback? Probably a comment to try and throw some of us off, but not me friend!

    3. Space


      Tythus is the only one with access to rollback servers? That's a bit scary.

    4. ItsMyWorld66


      Nooo I was only 10k away from whatever is beyond Master Fisherman! No new map yeeet! :Wails:

  18. When will the staff finally update the donation page? Some stuff on there is moot at this point.

    1. Space
    2. KarmaDelta


      That just made me cringe.

    3. meg


      I got a couple of stacks of food that promptly went rotten in 2 days.

  19. Oren is actually a weaboo nation.

    1. kingnothing


      i'll heretickle ur b-b-baka hole

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