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Status Updates posted by VonEbs

  1. I have a problem.... Everything that comes out of Simonbane's forum account is pure gold.

    1. Jexdane


      I know right? The man is a god. You just cannot go a day without reading one of his threads and becoming completely and utterly engrossed.

  2. Stephne Colbert for President.

    1. danic


      Pfffft.... Politics....

  3. Stephen Colbert for President

    1. Lykos


      With John Stewart... Who definitely not co-ordinating with stephen.

  4. The ending prayer today was, "Thank God. It is Friday"

    1. VonEbs


      ^Words of Wisdom

  5. Almost to 1000 posts.

    1. Antharin


      gj, almost 2000 ;)

  6. Don't Go Rio!!!!

    1. Coconuta


      Awww <3

      But im still going, sorry :(

  7. Ebs for Loremaster?

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Come Along VonEbs, go for it! :D

  8. Epic battle with the Mori makes anyone's day.

    1. JoakimVonAnka


      Was there, saw it.

  9. *is posting way to much in the Kharajyr subforum.

  10. Someone should take care of thie page Blealgepern.

    1. everblue2er101


      FMs always get to them quickly.

  11. check the falsebook bukkitdev page. i think there is an npc help command

  12. Wants to launch a smear campaign.

    1. Neri


      Of what? Bugs on windscreens?

  13. Congrats to Blindmind on GMship.

    1. Fid


      Ave Blindmind.

  14. I did not even know there was a revoked vilian app section of the forums.

  15. Things are coming to a head...

    1. Bircalin


      It's a shame I can't attend. Very unlike my character to do so.

  16. Four day weekend~

    1. Braxis


      YUP! Woooot East coast

  17. Finally, my forum account is unbanned. Thanks Danny~

    1. Telanir


      Welcome back to the forums on your account VonEbs.

  18. The server is not up... T.T

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Ik..... Exactly how I feel. I was just going to write in my secret diary :(

  19. *yawns.

    1. Baconthief


      NO SLEEP *Khel cracks his wip*

  20. I may be wrong, but does the Orenian citizenship thread require an ooc oath that you can never rebel? I feel like that is really unrp.

    1. Redbaron™


      No, it's that you can be perma'd if you get caught rebelling.

  21. That feeling when your twin brother betrays you for being on minecraft so that you get kicked off. Thanks VonAulus.

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