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Status Updates posted by comanderbly^

  1. is it ok to target people that belong to a minority that my religion dislikes?

  2. we need a ruskan GM

  3. i'd give it all up 4 you

  4. anti-christ

    1. Shadowjax
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I am a Christian, and this is offensive to my beliefs :(

      Please keep your negative anti-Christian comments to yourself :(

  5. oh, seriously staff?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bircalin


      I'm a player too, oddly enough.

    3. comanderbly^


      do i know you, player with magical powers on the forums?

    4. Lym


      Magickz? o.0

  6. all hail jesus, our lord savior

    1. Demotheus


      I respect your personal beliefs and your right to broadcast them sir. Have a good day!

    2. comanderbly^
  7. thank satan that malinor exists.. all the people i hate in one place instead of being crawling into my lands

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Demotheus


      You contradict yourself. All the people are definitely not in Malinor, since you hate every one that's exactly what you're proposing. Stop spreading lies!!!

    3. Nug


      chump u evil rouge angl of satin

    4. Shadeleaf


      My antag's name means Satan, you're welcome.

  8. am going to do magic app and roderick will do fireballs

  9. Roderick's Elven Ears Co.

    1. monkeypoacher


      ooh i would like to buy several

      they taste good fried.

    2. comanderbly^
  10. 21st century schizoid man

  11. im a miner of diamonds

  12. archers are the cancer of mount&blade


  14. i think gronnk deserves to be GM, but that is just my immature opinion

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I think we should have wings, but that is my non-scientific opinion.

    2. excited


      I think this topic is immature, but that's my opinion.

      Gronkk may become GM, but you hurt his chances by constantly shouting so out and even making a thread that nearly caused a flame war on it.

      If you really wanted Gronkk to succeed, you'd stop dragging him down.

  15. should be strong, young and bold, but the only thing i feel is paaaiiiinnnn!

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