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Status Updates posted by firespirit44

  1. Complete with a new Riolan.

    I chuckled. But gotta unapprove that post. Sorry buddy. (At least any old Fms above viewing the topic will chuckle.)

  2. Did I add you? Well it must have been a mistake on my part when clicking around. Sometimes experimenting some FM commands. My apologies.

  3. For the people in Abresi, a interesting shop is coming to town.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      as someone who ran a curiosity store all I can say is that they'll most likely call it 'heretic' and burn it to hell or steal everything or something. Lost some odd 22 gold blocks in that venture.

  4. Forgot to rp type it out, but I sent another 300 to you since the economy was broke/reset

    Uhm. I'm really dumb, but how do I cut and paste the face onto your skin? xD

  5. Git on yer stupid whoreson. We're gettin medals!

  6. Give me more personality for the perfectionist to draw: does he have any hobbies/traits/sentimental stuff/quirky habits?

  7. Good to see you, Ned.

  8. Hello Ned. Dropping by the server?

  9. Hey Angelos, terribly sorry but I think I need to hold off the sculpture for now.

    I have the base set, but the paint I currently have is not suitable. It might take a few extra days to get it right. So dont expect it too soon.

  10. Hey Evelyn, if you still remember me I am the dude who drew your portrait of Evelyn. I had this stroke of inspiration for Vanye, and was wondering if she has a specific prop. A staff/teddybear/dog?

  11. Heya. So I was looking through my drawers and found the unfinished statue I promised some time ago. After failing to create some decent swords, I kinda gave up. Here's the model without the swords.


  12. Hiya! Well I suck so bad at colouring it aint even funny.

    Without further ado, a sullen-surprised Vanya.


  13. House of Thyone throws the best parties. Lol

  14. Human roleplay, Phoenix Rangers. The topic is pinned.

  15. I did not delete your post, I think perhaps it was Cappy who thought the wording of your post was not really helpful to the case. Would you like me to bring it up with him?

  16. I feel so sad for Naal, and this is like the Game of Throne version of Drows. Its got that dark edge of survival, but also very deep character emotions. Although there seems to be a overtly amount of fighting. Sorry buddy, but Chis the Templar girl is my favourite :3

  17. I just realised. Your avatar and profile pictures are insanely cute. Did you draw them as well?

  18. I like being chemo free.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin


      Damned ambiguous statuses!

    3. bulldogsoccer88


      What about fat free or sugar free...?

    4. problematic z
  19. I take my last bow now.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Don't leave us, Kai. I will find you and destroy you.

    3. Mephistophelian


      I want to force you to stay, but it's your life. :'(

    4. Gemmylou
  20. I'm Lee Sin the blind monk.

  21. If you need a forum moderators help to clean up the forums, feel free to send me a message detailing what topic needs deleting and all that. But we would usually keep the topics for archives sake.

  22. If you send me a tell ingame and I'm online, sure. But tomorrow is kinda busy though.

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