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leave me alone

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Status Replies posted by leave me alone

  1. well you caliphate guys kinda fucked up and turned a small dog into a giant monstrocity

  2. Any late-night LoTC'ers have a character I could paste on this? https://gyazo.com/53599ce6f0d6cfb330779678d3ec2628

  3. They changed the Skeleton Lords... I wasn't emotionally prepared https://gyazo.com/78487e5560cbf50ad0a0316ac253d55a

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      dont get it, its a bad game with no story whatsoerver and is only attractive to people who like to punish themself

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Bring blunder's dread knights back, they're actually cool and have flavor

  5. I remember when Salvus wasn't complete ****

  6. Special snowflakes tryna control time n sht

  7. Do you like hurting other people?

  8. Love the witcher references everywhere. A breath of fresh air in comparison to the GoT.

  9. Instead of the Duke's war, why not The War of the Three Lords. Savoie ; Vanir ; Sakerzoic (Shrekt that so badly)

  10. azealia banks is actually really ******* hot holy hell

  11. legalize ftb brothels!!!!!

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      i have a request that would be in the style of your gaius picture... if you take requests

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. Looking for a diplomatic/espionage roleplay. Any vacancies? PM, please.

  13. blessed lughnasadh to everyone!

  14. I highly recommend any Australian's to apply for a position on the ET, as it would be suitable to consider people from a different timezone.

  15. If you're interested in being an ET Actor or builder, or perhaps both. Now would be a great time to apply

  16. Guys, prepare yourselves for this. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130920001614/starwars/images/5/58/BobaFettMain2.jpg This is Boba Fett. Take note of his armor. Now look at this image http://orig05.deviantart.net/1c72/f/2012/052/3/9/cerberus_login_by_monkeybiziu-d4qj360.jpg Notice any similarities? Boba Fett is with Cerberus.

  17. What's the community's ideas on Human Event line themes?

  18. Happy birthday me. Oh thanks me I appreciate it. Yeah no problem me.

  19. Bill I believe this is killing me.

  20. can we just remove the orc pvp buff and remove the stupid rule about races on cards that isn't enforced and serves no pvrpose?

  21. Looking to create a new Mali'ame character for an existing family, or play as an open character if there are any available. Anyone able to help me out?

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