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leave me alone

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Status Replies posted by leave me alone

  1. Is there a human war happening? Don't hear much in Vivec.

  2. Fear the Nexus Stalker.

  3. wheres the lotc server located

  4. Can we just agree that the system of giving the reporter absolute control over who is in the br really silly?

  5. Watching teen titans again, hello nostalgia my old friend.

  6. Stop trying to make a crusade happen. It's not gonna happen.

  7. Got over 200 views on my profile today, hope you friendos liked what you saw....

  8. Can whoever leads the Dread Knights PM me over the forums please? Need to discuss a matter. :)

  9. been on the server for 4 years now. magic plugin has been 'coming soon' that whole time. i think one time we were close in asulon, then Vaq left. RIP

  10. "Adios. I hate every single one of you f****** in the channel" -Kowaman 2k15

  11. How to mess with Roy's Emotions: Mass Effect 3 OST

  12. heheh its my bird day

  13. Someone give me a good name for a human house

  14. LoL this is literally the most dramatic community that I've ever been with like lol it's just a game.

  15. Map Update #9: Ohhhnoooo, we may have lost the entire tutorial island... All that work ;-; Hopefully we still have it...

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      this is the exact problem we have, when someone screws up there's no punishments its always just 'n-no ones fault g-guys'

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. Which is not a country?

  17. Is there anyway I can get my old persona back? I deleted it and lost my play time so I can't set up a shop now...

  18. 2 hours ago I had 26 items in my vault. Went to open it up to add a final one and found everything missing. Made a modreq but no answer so... Help?

  19. GTAV storyline is solid as ****

  20. dade can i habe da chocalit

  21. Please congratulate the new Forum Moderators, Gunnerdude, Publius, and James.

  22. If you could revive one character that is not your own and is perma-dead, who would you revive?

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