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leave me alone

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Status Replies posted by leave me alone

  1. What if someone started "The Conclave of Edgy". Where we invite the good edgy people and anyone outside our edgy club will be labeled as rogue edgies and killed on sight?

  2. Making a new character! What should I be?

  3. i hate the amya's

  4. Anyone here play ESO on PS4 NA server with the Daggerfall covenenant a Vampire?

  5. any good games for a 2012 grade computer?

  6. I'm interested in RPing a non-Mage, human character. Are there any families of influence in Oren that have a spot open? Preferably Noble, but I am not picky. If it is a nice crowd, I'd love to join :)

  7. Best weapon for a 5 year old?

  8. Ave Red Urguania! Death to greedy pigs!

  9. Oh my god do I cry, I cry all the time; In this institution.

  10. Imperial Guard = best faction tbh

  11. i am confused is there a Flotsam Woods in Athera?

  12. Do yourself a favor and watch this. It has ninjas and dinosaurs -

  13. TBH I think it'd be cool if Pito got unbanned lol, it wasn't my decision to ban him, nor did I really want him banned, I was kinda salty, and I'd say you can't really blame me for that haha!

  14. tbh loot carrioning while uninvolved with pvp should be grounds for default......

  15. is there any lore on horses

  16. What ever happened to the human dwarf war? Did mods just shut it down?

  17. So imma try to test my luck and create a map for maybe the next map.. going to try and make it a decent size and maybe a good thread on its history and such. Any ideas you wanna add to the map please throw it in there so I can add. I plan to give the 6 nations a large amount of land. AND hopefully a huge sea for naval battles. That's all for tonight! Good night!

  18. Are Crimson Hearts active still?

  19. Stay calm... Vote UKIP

  20. I hate that the orcs have become a bunch of tribal ug blug morons in character.

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