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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by James

  1. With the power of Dwarven magick, I shall create lightsabers.

  2. We hottin' for Frott again? If so I'm down to #hott4Frott

  3. Still not implemented...? What's going on, I've been accepted and everything.

  4. Spice and Wolf II Episode 3...somebody call me a doctor...i've been stabbed in the feels!

  5. it is my day of birth :))))

  6. I promise in 3 hours MPM will actually work.

  7. Anyone got a good name for an Elven character? Simple, like my mage 'Lorien'. Unique, not like 'Fred' or 'Bob'. Must not have apostrophes. I'll give 200 minas to the one who gives a really swell name.

  8. It was more disorganized than usual, and there wasn't good communication, but what did you guys think of Derpfest overall? If we improve it, would you all be down for another?

  9. Going to be looking for someone to play a High Elf/ Dwarf mix (the 'Dwelf')

  10. Do you guys listen to music while playing Lotc?

  11. rip vorstag - died reclaiming Urguan's armour

  12. So how /does/ one join the Undead?

  13. the servers been having hiccups for the past three days cmon lotc

  14. Anyone remember the time they turned the entire area around the cloud temple to snow/wool?

  15. Rip AGiantPie 2011 - 2014 "My greatest dream is a world without dwarves." https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/120392-bye-for-real/

  16. Any good skyrim builds out there?

  17. Can't Wait To Get Into This Roleplay Server

  18. Dat rep, doe.

  19. wanting to learn magic but having no friends. ;-;

  20. Rollbacks make for very immersive roleplay.

  21. Rollbacks make for very immersive roleplay.

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