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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by James

  1. Anyone hear why the server is nopeing?

  2. Sorry for the issues folks, Still working on repairing nexus. Give us a moment!

  3. hey guys we have a really big issue. Sandk1ng is running about cybering with newer players. Rally in arms against the cyber monster and call upon the cyber police to defend this once safe community!

  4. I can't get on LOTC til' I get a new computer . . .

  5. Only Sith deal in absolutes. NOW DRINK YOUR MILK!

  6. Only Sith deal in absolutes. NOW DRINK YOUR MILK!

  7. mfw mount and blade crashes after you get a castle and expand rhodoks like 5 cities : ( ( ( ( ( (

  8. My ads on lord of the craft want me to open a Pakistani bank account. Wtf...

  9. Quick, should I buy Star Wars republic commando off of steam for $10 or wait for the steam holiday sale?

  10. OMFG, do we seriously have to shut down the server just to fix a roll back? Just let me RP in peace already... :C

  11. Last night watched the entire Hobbit trilogy at the cinema with the guys, 10 whole hours of epic arousal in one night

  12. LOTC and thepiratebay down at the same time... coincidence ?

  13. half way through Lord of the rings and I basically give up.

  14. what's this "magic plugin" i keep hearing about?

  15. Anyone else crashing?

  16. I think its about time to boost exp gain in every profession.. Legit tired of 10 exp per minute if lucky.

  17. I'm gonna be taking a break. Bye.

  18. Took apart my laptop to fix the wifi card that I ordered. Did not word. Very sad. D: WTB desktop

  19. Right so my tavern might get repossessed again because even though I'm connected to the internet, minecraft won't acknowledge I'm online. THANKS, MINECRAFT.

  20. Hey guys, Just dropping in to say hi. How's everyone doing?

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