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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by James

  1. Is anyone having problems with the server?

  2. So... Cat or Dog?

  3. Is anyone having problems with the server?

  4. It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down

  5. Viper, you can restore the various nation sub-forums, can you also restore the Forum Roleplay sub-forum? No point ostracizing us.

  6. Anyone else here not able to connect? Any idea what's funky?

  7. Have you heard about our lords and saviors The Aspects?

  8. Have you heard about our lords and saviors The Aspects?

  9. trying to get my application accepted

  10. hahae im athe master of my onw BODY

  11. [4:19:23 PM] Alex (susitsu): http://i.gyazo.com/3d4b51543c3991d0f03684ef3528466e.png [4:19:27 PM] Alex (susitsu): I win life.

  12. Would it be too much to ask for bans to be publicly filed? It would be nice to know who is banning who and for what reason. Could honestly just remove all these rumors and accusations too, if everything is filed out in the open. It's an extra step, sure, but it might be worthwhile.

  13. Totally not on the forums in class. ... Macs are weird.

  14. WHAT IS AN ELF!?

  15. The panicking brings joy to my eyes.

  16. I'm panicking!!! Where are the subforums!?!

  17. I apologize for forum glitches! I am working on some changes.

  18. I apologize for forum glitches! I am working on some changes.

  19. How do you get your bonus profession slot?

  20. Someone should add to the lore/wiki that it was an Adunian who created crucible steel IC, through aprox. 30 years of research, trial and error, and, at last, 5 hours of intense blacksmith RP of making the first Ulfberht; with the help of Morvan Orvar and his cousin, Byrnjolf.

  21. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Forum reputation points have been which two colours?

  22. I am the one they call dwarf-drowner

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