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Status Updates posted by Jexdane

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/79545-favourite-nation-to-live-in-school-project/page__mode__show__st__10 Anybody who hasn't voted, please vote, I need at least 50 votes for it to be considered a good sample of the population.
  2. - 35 C outside, so it was deemed too cold to make students wait for their busses. The schools weren't closed, but nobody had to go~

    1. Bircalin


      Winter is passing...

    2. LPT


      I love how that happened, like WTF.

  3. ...2:50am...It's gotten to the point where, even if I have nothing to do, I still roam around the internet for hours on end so as to keep my demented sleeping schedual. So, LotC, I bid to you good night.

  4. ...that feeling when you have a test, you don't want to miss school, but your body screws you over and make you miss your bus =-=

    1. LPT


      Hey... It's extra study time.

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      No its a detention.

    3. LPT


      Our school does not give detentions often.

  5. ..are the new forums always going to be formatted like this? I much preferred the centered layout of the old forums. Less side-scrolling...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danny


      It is slightly wider, but like I said not that much.

    3. Samoblivion


      I miss being able to tell who was posting... For some reason I can't see usernames.

    4. Danny


      That will be fixed as the theme is sorted Samoblivion. :)

  6. ..I'm going to go visit the real world for a bit. I hear it's a tad less...violent there.

    1. danic


      -Goes to Israel- Ah... Much less violent.

  7. ..that feeling when you're teacher diagnoses you as a high-functioning sociopath.

    1. Ford
    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Sociopaths don't feel, silly.

  8. "Shock me like an electric eel! Baby girl! Turn me on with your electric feel."

  9. “Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

  10. [12:11:09 AM] Geo: Scotland sucks. , Gyazo Proof: http://gyazo.com/e4c3e0a2331aa6fd0b5666caf9a43ef6

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nug
    3. Jexdane


      Nug, I know you trust me. We've been through so much together. <3

    4. iseemoosego


      I was there. When "Geo" Said it

  11. [4:59:37 PM] Geo: Canadian worm!

    1. Gemmylou
    2. gingernut97
    3. big narstie

      big narstie

      I actually find this highly racist. I'll be taking this further, thankyou, Jexdane for providing me with this bit of evidence.

  12. *is trying to figure out what convinced him to post on Show Yourself*

  13. *sharpens the tips of his arrows and knives* "Haven't slaughtered any humans in a while...this should be fun."

  14. *Waits patiently for his friends to message him so that he doesn't feel so disconnected whilst he reloads the main page constantly, listening to Flyleaf*

  15. #totallygonnaplaysomegw2later2012

  16. A crematorium should be created in 3.0. Naturally, it would give discounts to burn victims.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      Minh ash tea..

    3. danic


      It's quite lovely on a snowy days inside.

    4. Korvic


      If this happens, would each race make a different smell/taste?

  17. A saw a wild beared elf flying around aegis with a cape and dazzling brown curly locks. Could it be, the fabled Native-mon?

  18. Almost finished my Morri app -.-, I need to make it absolutely pefect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      what's a Morri app?

    3. Faeyin


      An application to be a Mori'Quessir on the new map. (like me~)

    4. Rilath


      I submitted a Mori app^^

      Then got shot down for, how Dusk puts it, bad RP.

  19. Alone in a room with a hormonal Beth Flormai, ditsy Dom Flormai, and depressed Stral Flormai..

  20. Am I the only person who finds the White Rose checkpoint to be extremely ugly and landscarring? These crossroads used to be nice, and now it's just a mess of terribly built cobble and stone brick walls. It's ridiculous.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. wealthypiano


      Tavari how about you just...

      *mysterious jingle*

      Be patient and wait till its done? :))))))))

    3. Eleatic


      Dan how about you


      Turn into a kitten.

    4. Mankaar


      This was pointed out friend.. all its going to do now is cause more needed hate and anger within the community~! Im sure its being worked out on the forum post ;)

  21. And I had just gotten used to the new skin...le sigh, at least this one looks better.

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