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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Destroyer_Bravo

  1. http://gyazo.com/6a65d218a4527dbfcda5ba3ef5554576 "totally hacking" >today, 3:30 AM after getting a dank combo
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Hacks sent put on the mod folder cuz most of the time ots another separate client u haxer

    3. Googlesearch


      To be fair this doesn't prove anything. Not that I think you're hacking but it is fairly easy to disguise whether you're hacking or not.

    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      its also a pic of vanilla mc client, with no bells and whistles in the corners

  2. http://imgur.com/9x1QI1g,16UFewm,EAWjQb7 Hey look, Krug Redentor.
  3. -enrage- wz delays reeeee!

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Its tomorrow now. 

  4. "I like pizza." - @joey calabreeni 13/3/17 [5:43 PM]

  5. "watch me topple an empire by changing a 1...


    ...to a 0"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zaezae


      "You won't believe what happened when he did this..."

    3. overlord2305


      More likely than not java gives a fatal error and just calls it a day

    4. zaezae


      Never used a language that wouldn't throw a fatal error if there was one. 

  6. @sporadic some1 i know alleges u work at cern?

  7. @tech team I’m currently using two personas at the same time and apparently a new player again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Destroyer_Bravo


      no but for real @Sporadic I currently have 4 personas made on a diamond vip account and cannot access the real persona in persona slot 1

    3. Sporadic


      yah sorry about that we know what caused this. Was it fixed now or still issues?

    4. Destroyer_Bravo
  8. <15:56:37> "Tahmas takes an L": DEV TEAM ISN'T TRYING TO FIX IT

    1. Lefty


      yes kidnap the princesses you are winning the war!!!

    2. InfamousGerman


      sorry lefty your character has to be 5" to comment on this status update

    3. seannie



  9. https://imgur.com/gallery/SnciXG3


    last night took an L but tonight i bounce back

  10. bad_meme_00.png?width=547&height=469

    1. Statherian


      Tasty you have posted this in about every single discord I share with you are you alright?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @Aythyinae bro do u watch the epic anime

  11. aah early decision college results


    disappointing me like my mother was when i was born

  12. absolute madness here in johannesburg

  13. accepted in under 30 minutes pog @Heero

    1. Heero


      One of my best ones yet. Surprisingly zero percent shilling was required who woulda thunk

      btw pm me your discord or hmu heero#7850

    2. Zacho


      What does it mean?

      We shall never know.

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