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  • Character Name
    Dimaethor Elervathar / Eledar Haler'thilln / Livius Faeliel
  • Character Race
    High Elf / High Elf / High Elf

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  1. Dimaethor Elervathar folds the ballot up into a little ball, throwing it into the fireplace in the temporary tower he had taken residency in during his recent stay. The elderly Elf raised himself off of the rocking chair with the aid of his cane, gesturing towards the servant in the room. It was time to depart again. He turned to his company, shaking his head in disbelief. "The cycle continues. May history frown upon the insane whom let it happen; not once, but twice. Lariheiian Thought will find root elsewhere."
  2. 〚 ۞┇ ═════════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ☼ ◦• › - ═════════════════════════ ┇۞ 〛 “High Standards lead to Purity.” The Visaj vision of Haelun’or. The Visaj Talonnii traces its lineage back to the enigmatic progenitors Narcisse and Fiandrieth Visaj. Narcisse and Fiandrieth both hailed from Mali’thill whom in selfless sacrifice had remained following Larihei’s departure; to bring justice upon Lomal and the tainted Elves of his doing. These Elves had in tales and legends posthumously been called Vihai; Whisper [in common tongue], a name and identity that both Narcisse and Fiandrieth sought to honour by taking the related name Visaj following their union. Narcisse and Fiandrieth’s union bore two children who would make up the Visaj’s two main lines; the influential Tahorran Line and the more obscure Ada Line. In the early days of Aegis, Narcisse and Fiandrieth sought a life isolated from that of the Elves of Laurelin, who had rescinded the Lariheiian path they had been instilled. In their secluded estate, their children; Tahorran and Ada were both given education which resembled that which they would have gotten as children themselves. During the last days of Aegis, the ageing Visaj progenitors were unable to make it upon the departing ships. Their children; Tahorran and Ada would with great effort and even greater sorrow make it, though their paths would split shortly after arriving to the shores of Asulon. Tahorran rejoiced at the rumour of a gathering of Mali’thill and the reestablishing of a High Elven state, deciding to partake and aid in its inception. Ada opted to remain in isolation, constructing a small estate away from the Silver State; though still very much adhering to the pure education of her childhood.The highly energetic Tahorran would quickly begin to make a name for himself, devoting his productive life to matters of the state. Tahorran would come to be known for being incredibly competitive, but at the same time an infamously poor loser. Perhaps it was in his nature by blood, but the republican ideals acted as a catalyst for Tahorran to grow increasingly ambitious. He long sought to become an Okarir, but the populace had turned neglectful, ignoring Tahorran’s great service. Tahorran would have three children; Annyer, Dimaethor and Tiuthwyn. All three would come to be instilled with Tahorran’s abundant ambition, and serve the Silver State in a variety of functions. Annyer would be blessed with several children and spend her life perfecting her writing. While the Visajs at large were no strangers to writing, Annyer lived out her Lariheiian scholarly ambition to the fullest like none other before or after her. Annyer’s children and their descendents make up the largest living body of Visaj. The first Visaj to take a place upon the Silver Council was the somewhat younger descendent of Annyer; Damasus Visaj. Serving under Kalenz Uradir, Damasus was known for his zealous loyalty to the Motherland. Haelun’or came under the attack of Oren, and eventually forced into vassalage. The subverted Silver State and her citizenry endured great oppression under its Oren-appointed tyrant Orsino Acal’elor. In an effort to resist the occupation, Damasus attempted to overthrow Orsino with a small group of Haelunorian loyalists. Failing, Damasus was promptly executed by Orsino’s Orenian masters. Dimaethor, Malaurir and Patriarch of the Visaj. Years later, after the ruin and fall of the Silver State in Atlas, Dimaethor ascended to the Maheralship, being appointed to the position formally by Malaurir Athedil Haler’thilln and Malaurir Lucion Sullas. The Mali’thill had been displaced and had lost its homeland, many seeking refuge in other Elven settlements. Dimaethor founded a new Silver Enclave named Fi’halen, and the foundations for a future Visaj iteration of Haelun’or had been laid. Mali’thill continued to flock home to the Silver Enclave, which was renamed to the Silver State of Haelun’or following long debate. Though the resurgence would continue, the Silver State’s Sohaer had disappeared and the Silver Council was inadequate. With the support of several notable citizens and a majority of the citizenry, Dimaethor moved to abolish both the Silver Council and the Sohaership, promoting himself and the Maheralship to be the one and single authority over the High Elves. Concomitantly, he declared Haelun'or completely independent. This has been referred to as the Visaj Silver Revolution. Dimaethor served as Maheral for many decades, and then later on as Sohaer following his resignation of the former position to his wife Iaria Elervathar. They jointly ushered in an era of great progress and security, with a new system of governance referred to as The Blessed Diarchy or The Elervathar Diarchy. Dimaethor and Iaria both resigned when announcing the birth of their child; Elesia Elervathar. Tiuthwyn, the youngest child of Tahorran, also rose to the position of Silver Councillor. The diligent and dutiful Tiuthwyn acted as Okarir’maehr for over two decades under Kolvar Uradir’s first tenure and the troubles that followed. She continued her role as guardian of the vast collection even as her tenure came to an end, leading to her having a key role in ensuring it did not fall into the hands of foreign occupiers during the Great Kinslaying. As the civil conflict escalated, Tiuthwyn barricaded herself and a handful of stalwart loyalists within the Eternal Library for over a year. By making deals with both sides for a ceasefire upon its grounds, she ensured the preservation of the library and survival of those harboured within it. Tiuthwyn, former Okarir’maehr. A Visaj generally has blonde or silver blonde hair, blue eyes and a sharp jawline. They stand at around 6 feet, but can go from 5’11” to 6’3”. They speak with a soft voice, preferring not to shout or scream. A Visaj is always well-dressed and generally keeps tamed hair, and their belief in high standards mean they always try to look their best. Some may call this vanity, but a Visaj would call it barbarism for a Mali’aheral to be dressed in a wild fashion. The Visaj are renowned for their unwavering commitment to the Silver State of Haelun’or as well as their boundless ambition for themselves and the High Elves. Members of the Visaj have often presided over important offices of government. Some lesser Talonniian have warned the Visaj of the pitfalls of their boundless competitiveness and determination, but contentment with mediocrity is not in their blood. The Visaj family name is regulated via the tradition of Fi’haler - the pledge of the new, which took its inspiration from the enclave reborn under Dimaethor Visaj’s enlightened guidance, and works as below; Those born to a Visaj may take as their surname the bloodline, but only modified by their parent’s name. For instance, Tiuthwyn, born to Tahorran, would be Tiuthwyn Visaj-Tahorran’onn. Gilaethor, born to Tauriel, would be Gilaethor Visaj-Tauriel’onn. They may not use the name Visaj on its own as they are not proven in their own right; they are instead a Visaj only by right of their parent’s value and purity. Once proven through service to the state and personal ambition, those full Visaj vote on their admittance to elheial Visaj, the coterie of fully-recognized Visaj; by simple majority, the aspirant youth may be considered of the Visaj bloodline by their own merit, and therefore may cast aside the additional modifiers. This also works in the reverse way; by decision of the patriarch, who is normally the eldest active Visaj but always chosen from among elheial Visaj, one may be removed from the inner circle and indeed from the bloodline overall on the basis of mental or physical impurities; chaff cast aside in the pursuit of quality grain. When one is removed from the bloodline, all their progeny are also removed - as the introduction of such impurities within one is liable to stain the blood and reputation of the rest. The Living Bloodline of Narcisse and Fiandreth Visaj: Patriarch: Dimaethor, first son of Tahorran Recognized active members of elheial Visaj: Tiuthwyn, second daughter of Tahorran Tauriel, second son of Annyer Azaerin, first daughter of Gilaethor Tauriel’onn Recognized cloistered members of elheial Visaj: Annyer, first daughter of Tahorran Îdhron, first son of Sirondil Artellias, first son of Aerion Uppori, third daughter of Unaveck Active members of the Extended Visaj bloodline: Gilaethor Tauriel’onn, second son of Tauriel Cassian Tauriel’onn, first son of Gilaethor Tauriel’onn Iphigenia Tauriel’onn, second daughter of Gilaethor Tauriel’onn Cast from the lists: Raewynn and all her descendants in their entirety Mira and all her descendants in their entirety
  3. Div'kinael Eledar Haler'thilln made a short pause during dinner, a thick bushy eyebrow lifting into his forehead as he was directed to read the missive. He made note in the margins of the report to speak with his fellow officers about aiding in the liberation of the Balianese, dismissing the Halerir to eat his third course!
  4. Eledar Haler'thilln, mature and adult as he was, tended to his duties, looking forward to participating in the grand military parade! Haelun'or was growing stronger by the day, he thought, setting off to prepare the new Sillumiran recruits for the occasion.
  5. Eledar Haler'thilln concludes another shift in the Tahn'miar mines, reminiscent of the triumph in the battle to preserve the Eternal Library fought against the Talarnorian Fennic invaders during the Haelunorian Troubles. After changing into his robes, he immediately departs to submerge himself into his kin's most treasured works! Finally it had been restored!
  6. Eledar Haler'thilln stood in the officer's quarters of the Silver Bastille, leaned over the map over Tahn'miar. The news of the declaration had reinvigorated the Elf, and plans were already being made.
  7. TO THE PROMISED URADIRAN ERA In a resplendent moment that ignites the hearts of High Elves across Aevos, the esteemed Kolvar Uradir has made his triumphant return, reclaiming the Sohaership. With his return, the Silver State is reawakening from a period of uncertainty, the citizenry rejoicing in the warmth of familiar leadership and the promise of a Greater Second Uradiran Era. The primary catalyst behind the downfall of the republic was the rampant self-interest amongst the political class. This issue was ingrained within the very fabric of this political system, and the insidious pursuit of personal gain progressively permeated every facet of society over the course of countless generations. Eventually, this unrelenting focus on self-enrichment rendered the administration ineffectual and in defiance with our Lariheiian creed. Our new Sohaer Kolvar Uradir has on the contrary been tireless in his devotion to unify the Mali’thill and reestablish ourselves as the revered realm we once were. Now, with a restored constitution void of the passages which allowed for the destructive politicking of the past, the blessed populace is in the unique position to join the Sohaer in selfless service. The intricate tapestry of elven culture, woven by the generations before us, shall once again find its resplendent manifestation within the gleaming spires and verdant gardens of Haelun'or. Let the resounding joy of this moment echo through the ages, heralding the return of an icon, a luminary, and a guiding light. Together, under Uradir's wise stewardship, the Silver State of Haelun'or shall forge a future that shall be remembered and celebrated for generations to come. The Uradir's return will herald in the reemergence of Mali'thill brilliance and supremacy. Scholars and Sillumiran, rejoice! Organise and mobilise! MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA Div'kinael
  8. "Oem'ii thinks he is Gusten 'Hero of Renatus' Faeliel." A grumpy Haler'thilln said, reminiscent of the silver age of poetry.
  9. The actual High Prince of Malinor skims through the old declaration, slighted at the suggestion by the terrorist Malin Order that someone else was the last rightful inheritor of the title.
  10. A friend of Haelun'or shares some doubt, watching the overworked Okarir'tir organise his Sillumiran.
  11. "I love the Maeyr'onn." A friend of Haelun'or said.
  12. THE ASUL’HILEIA CELEBRATIONS TO CELEBRATE THE COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ASUL’HILEIA, ALL HAELUNORIANS AND FRIENDS OF HAELUN’OR ARE INVITED TO PARTAKE IN CELEBRATIONS! Long and arduous have Mali’thill worked in preparation to this day. Hallowed halls and tall towers have been erected out of the southern sandy dirt. A new era, an age of determination and dauntlessness, of continued independence and firm adherence to the Lariheiian creed. May her city be filled with commerce and industry, with a renewed focus on the studies of the realm. To the end of memorialization and recognition of the great efforts of The Committee of the Construction for the Pure, all of the Blessed Citizenry and her foreign friends are invited to The Diarchy Amphitheatre by the entrance of the Grand Eternal Library. There will be speeches commemorating the recent trials and fair music. Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas will be preparing food and drinks. THE PROGRAM OF THE ASUL’HILEIA CELEBRATIONS SPEECHES Host and Friend of Haelun'or Eledar Haler'thilln, Sohaer-Regent Kolvar Uradir, Maheral Seth Calith and Okarir'nor Luthien Maeyr'onn will address the Blessed Citizenry and her favoured guests, declaring the way forward, and honouring the efforts of those who served in Karinah'siol, and in the Committee of the Construction for the Pure. GIFTS OF COMMEMORATION Okarir'nor Luthien Maeyr'onn will present the Blessed Citizenry and the favoured guests of the celebration a gift of commemoration for the opening of Asul'hileia. The gift will have been crafted and enchanted by Mali'thill of the Silver State for this occasion. FOOD AND BEVERAGES Okarir'mali Elarhil Sullas and his staff will prepare a grand feast in several courses, with the finest of Almarisian beverages. The fortunate may get a taste of the first-ever wine made on Asul'hileian wild grape. Exclusive Miravaris Cheddar™️ and a variety of similarly exotic grilled meats will be served with bread baked with Asul'hileian wheat. MUSIC As always present in the Motherland are the grand silver musicians. The opulent melodies of harp will accompany the Mali'thill the entirity of this blessed evening, playing in-between the pauses and other points of the program. SNAIL RACE The Haelunorian Association of Snail Racing will arrange the first official snail race of the new Asul'hileia track. Beginners to the sport will be given their own first Haelunorian-bred snail to begin their career in the Haelunorian Snail League. See the rules of Snail Racing at the board of the tavern. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya Friend of Haelun'or Eledar Haler'thilln [[Ankan#1066 for inquiries]] [[THE DIARCHY AMPHITHEATRE, ASUL’HILEIA, SUNDAY, 1 PM EST / 18:00 BST / 19:00 CEST]]
  13. Little Livius reads the missive, popping an Haelunorian grape in his mouth from the vines in the street. "I'm happy to be home!"

    1. ImCookiie



  15. does collectivization increase the total yield? @NotEvilAtAll
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