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Status Updates posted by Grabthar

  1. Is the 1.1 update not spout compatible? Says outdated client

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      You have to update it! ;P

    2. Grabthar


      I did... still says outdated mr smarty pants

    3. Trouvo


      you have to choose the devbuild on spout in the options

  2. Is there a problem with the TS... it won't let me connect

    1. dude


      Yeah, there's a problem.

  3. Is there a reason why everything I post is getting deleted?

    1. Grabthar


      like... at all? I can't give the link for anything anymore?

    2. Aislin


      because you are evil advertisement bot....

  4. Is TS down?

    1. drfate786


      Is Tehnoob show down? HELLNO

    2. Nug


      we moved to gamevox :(((

  5. Let the implementation of Asulon begin!!

  6. lol, i been camped out here in Renatus lookin to buy iron from you for 2 days lol. Where are you hahaha

  7. Minecraft.net is teh down... WHY?!?!?!

  8. Mined a glowstone block, black screened, now everytime i log in it goes black, How do I fix this?

    1. Boomack21


      I just kept trying to log in, I mined some gold and that happens swell.

    2. Boomack21
  9. OMG, our whole community in Underholm is blackscreening and can't log it :(

  10. Other then the Wiki, where can i find our calendar? One that shows days of the week names, and not just the years.

    1. Grabthar


      nvrmnd, i found em :)

  11. Server has changed soooo much since i was last on... can't find nuthin and there's nobody around to ask lol :(

    1. Pinsir99


      Oh! Use the help channel with /h

    2. Pinsir99


      Actually, its /join H

  12. Server... y u so full?

    1. Skippy


      Grabthar.... y u stuck out of server like me?

    2. everblue2er101
  13. So did they restart the year counter when we left Aegis? Or are we still on the same time line?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Apparently, we spent 50 years in Asulon, about 10-20 or 15 in the mid-islands and another 60 or 50 in Anthos.

    3. Grabthar


      Yep... that's what i was getting from the wiki.. but I heard so many saying that time started over in Asulon.

    4. Lago


      The time rate was changed at one point, so simple back-calculation doesn't work.

  14. so when you repair an enchanted pick on an iron block... it loses it's enchantment?

    1. Neri


      I think it's based on the person's enchanting level when they repair it.

    2. Grabthar


      aha... i dont have an enchanting level... it was a gift... :(

  15. So... anyone here going to VidCon in Anaheim this weekend?

  16. Thank you everyone... I will do my best.... TO KILL YOU ALL IN A FUN WAY!!! Mwahahahaha

    1. Repiteo


      I would say "don't go power-hungry on us" but...

      ...nah srsly, grats

    2. Dante
    3. Destroyer_Bravo


      Grats for Loremaster...

      If I got that position there would be major irony...

  17. Um...

    1. Dash_Rogers


      Novella submitters perhaps?

    2. everblue2er101


      ^ Nope, I didn't get it.

  18. umm... can't find host???

  19. Well... the moral is... if you can't play nice... go away!

    1. Pum!


      Or join us mean people. "If you can't beat them, join them."

    2. Birdwhisperer


      That's a pretty good rule for most games.

  20. what b MpM?

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      More Player Models, a mod.

    2. Elfen_


      IN OTHER NEWS: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    3. TeaLulu


      ( .□.)\ ︵╰(゜益゜)╯︵ /(.□. /)

  21. What did Boomack break this time? He is so worthless!!

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