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Status Updates posted by OhDeerLord

  1. For some reason I keep getting unknown host and can't get on...

    1. RK9ify


      Yeah, same here.

    2. Achilles


      Little boy from Denmark bbosing our server host. Just play a single player game for an hour or so.

  2. Dwyn when I first applied vs Dwyn now http://i.imgur.com/JZ76QOK.png

    1. Bircalin


      That is some very tactical clothing going down in the south there.

    2. OhDeerLord


      :T its not, but its been just now pointed out to me what it looks like. The fabric was too close to his skin color I guess.

  3. On my younger brother's laptop.. his mouse is so sensitive it's shootin across the screen and makin me click the wrong ****

    1. Aryon


      dont click history

    2. OhDeerLord


      Oh lord... I should show him how to use a private browser

  4. http://i.imgur.com/QHT6o9B.png A preview for something that hopefully will be done by tomorrow.
  5. My movie poster post as turned into porn movie names and i aint even mad

    1. Desires


      Someone say porn?

    2. Hanrahan


      You trollop

  6. Is there going to be any sort of event that sets us off for transition?

    Far as I know there hasnt even been a call to action/a gathering of 'lets gtfo'. Such as last few transitions events gathered people in the CT to create their boats or whatnot.

    Unless I missed something there hasnt been anything telling us HOW we're leaving

    1. NotEvilAtAll
    2. Burnsy


      Yeah, the September Prince is gonna dunk a Thanium bomb on the Cloud Temple.

  7. What in the- Why is my member title "Aquiring Minas"

    1. Neri


      for a certain number of posts

  8. Well All my of my clothes are moved in! Now I just got to wait for the roomate, then we can decorate and choose sides and all that.. gotta move beds around.... and carry her stuff up three flights of stairs. Oof my back already hurts.

    1. gingernut97


      You think your back hurts? I spent 4 hours stood up, this morning.

  9. Playing cards against humanity! There are slots open! http://pyx-3.socialgamer.net/game.jsp#game=61

    1. TheNinox


      Hilarious. Just got the 4th expansion for my birthday :)

  10. Streaming showing the infamous "Roomate" how to play minecraft!

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Hmm...Maybe "The Roomate" couldjoin LOTC, that'd be funny.

  11. Streamin www.livestream.com/drawingwithpensandpapers

    1. monkeypoacher


      warning is nsfa (not safe for anything)

  12. Why am i not asleep. Stop finding things to do. Now.

    1. Birdwhisperer


      I just went walking in the snow at 5 am. Go walk in the snow.

  13. dreampt i had a cat on my lap, it was just my computer. which part is sadder?

    1. Sky


      That there is no cat. q-q

  14. I said I was going to bed an hour ago... Fuckkk..

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I should have been in bed like I was an hour ago... daaaaaaaaaanggggggg...

  15. Need 2 More players! Pass is LOTC http://pyx-1.socialgamer.net/game.jsp#game=106

    1. tnoy23


      Internet died, on phone, hence my disconnect >.<

  16. This is what me and my roommate call "The crash game" http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      i got 16708 on it

  17. A wonder if a child was killed, would monks inform the parent? It dosent make much sense if a monk revives a kid then is just like "You can find your way home right? K? K."

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      It usually isn't much of the Monks concern of how things work out outside of the Temple. Though in some cases if Monks actually knew their parents, they probably would.

  18. I did it again. I stayed up all night. Wonder if I should take a nap or not

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Nap! No sleep is baaaaaaaad

  19. Its like- Every other night I just don't sleep.

    1. monkeypoacher


      shhh you can sleep, just think about how I'm watching you.

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