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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by E__V__O

  1. Finish RP with Hosper tomorrow, fix the crashes mano

  2. For people who have me on League, don't click any links, my account was randomly hacked to which point it is sending out information... don't click the link please, or the same would be done to you.

  3. Found my personal stalker on LOTC @_@

  4. Gathering all role play locations that should have fungi growing, and making event plans out of them >_>

  5. Glad to know that I stuck in your mind, Just hope you don't forget me

  6. Going to work~ see'ya guys, be back in 5 hours

  7. happy birthday to me :D

  8. Happy Birthday to me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      'appy Birthday!

    3. E__V__O


      Thank you both :D

    4. Lark


      GO BACK TO THE WOMB FIEND! I'm kidding, Happy Birthday :3

  9. He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves ____ (Fill in the blank!)

    1. Ser Paul Ryan
    2. Miquill


      Napoleon Dynamite

  10. Hey, Jed Gold just posted a new video of himself singing, click to watch

  11. I am currently within a animation design class this year, though next it will be switching to programming, does anyone have any advice where I can practice?

    1. MediocreGamer



      All the info you'll need is on the sidebar.

  12. I am having serious troubles writing this magic lore I am trying to be for the past few weeks, can someone manage to help me?

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Evoking sound waves is a tricky thing...

    2. E__V__O


      I as more in line of making it now an Alteration due to it can affect current objects in the over-world.

    3. Lark


      Alteration of sound? Cool

  13. I am thinking every 100 post I make on the forums that I will create a mini magic application for another subtype. . .

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Hah, that'll be awesome!

  14. I cannot post anything within the forums, is it possible for someone to fix this?.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pum!


      o.0 Whenever the captcha thing comes up for me, I just fill it out and continue and everything works. It seems other people are having trouble, though.

    3. Praetor


      Some of us actually have the captcha page...Without a captcha. :p And I tried that Lago

    4. Praetor


      Looks like it's fixed for me.

  15. I do not understand what you mean by this comment on my wall

    " Your picture.. That is mine! I had it made into a profile background.. Mine looks quite a bit better. " Please explain

  16. I don't mind, I will change it myself since I don't see the diffence for myslef.Thank you

  17. I don't really know anymore... people hate me on LoTC and won't allow anything of which I offer or even reply to when I ask something important... People hate me as others have claimed and now I am finally thinking it is true.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TornadoWatch
    3. Αμφίονας


      People either1. hate for a reason->you need to correct something

      2.->no reason->you should start trying to care less for their opinion(hard option but necessary)

      3.If despite your self critisism you can not find the root of the problem and they can not ,as well, provide you with one then there is again little you can do.

    4. E__V__O


      I am not letting myself down, I am quite beyond that to be in fact, it is just that the hatred to gathering towards myself as now I know it is their and not joking around.

      Thing is little I can do yes... Little a GM can do... Little a admin can do... Only the people that perform these acts can do something to try and fix themselves.

  18. I feel like VA's should make a comeback.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. mitto


      i'll kill you

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      return of VA = more rep for me

    4. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      vas will put a stop to the orenian troll menace

  19. I found Aegis yesterday. It is apprently a industry to sell washing machines now. http://imgur.com/X8v3Wqe

    1. MamaBearJade


      its okay, I found Dimsdale in England

    2. Quartzen
  20. I hoped everyone enjoyed the Mini Event I created with the Malinor camp by burning half of the chapel, THANK you all for helping and participating,

    1. LPT


      crazy liche

    2. Ford


      Can’t you make some fun mini-events that /don’t/ have you burning down something or destroying it?!

  21. I like VA's...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Harri


      He means that that's why you like the VA's. Your character is highly unique and should need approval of being played. But just because of your character needing one, it doesn't mean the average ones that the rest of us play should suffer.

    3. E__V__O


      I played my Evil character without a VA till late Anthos. I knew the lines of the VA and what I could do. So creating chaos without a VA or needing one is something I was able to do. Though the convention of what SortedJar meant isn't as what you are saying. I like VA's since it keeps control not that it is to make people suffer. Make good and fun roleplay or be removed.

    4. Harri


      Well, right now it doesn't. It restricts more Role-play than it promotes. Murder with provocation? Ok, the order of St Amyas can't do it's form of RP it likes, along with Orcs and Dwarves too. The VA's hurt more people than they help. You mainly like them probably because it doesn't affect your character all that much.

  22. I love how people think I am still Evark or my other characters are like EVARK, I only have to say this. . . I am not Evark nor have any character like him, None of my other characters are villainous. . . SO please for the love of RP, stop metagamming and ignoring my RP, I am sick and tired of this. . . No one that knew Evark no longer RP's with me

    1. E__V__O


      All since they think I have a character like him, Just stop. . . I don't and Rp like you would. . . Stop MetaGamming things

    2. Gunner
  23. I might sometime, But not for a while :P

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