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    It's just right.

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  1. Though I admire the Creationist movement and it

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    2. Bogrin


      If people are happy with the roleplay that is coming about, I don't see why it should be stopped. I don't think its necessarily abolishing the lore that is currently there, and if down the line they want to return to worshiping more LoTC-oriented faiths, so be it.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Swgrclan, I am really trying to be kind here. It may be frustrating that all of these esoteric fictions aren't as well-established and credible to players, but the reality is something we have to accept.

    4. Swgrclan


      Of course, but sometimes it doesn't cut it in a lot of ways, and I'm pointing out how inconsistent a Catholic-centric basis that a fantasy realm religion has is, and how incompatible it is with the rest of the canon and general playerbase. All I'm meaning to point out is that there should be less blatant use of Christian and/or IRL-religious influences for these kinds of roleplay-heavy projects. It very much dilutes the whole form of the IC world and appears from an outside perspective very mixed and confusing -- why, for example, do these Elves worship factual and knowingly real nature gods, and these Dwarves worship not-so-factual but canonically-aligned Dwarf gods, but these humans worship one singular god with an ideology almost exact to that of the Catholic/Christian faith? It's all down to the very mannerism in which the IC religion is presented - from speech habits to literature to literal names of groups which existed in real life and served the same, if not similar purpose, to that of groups formed under Creatorism in this game.

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