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Status Updates posted by xDK

  1. Okay guys... Let's have another mind breaking question... What's beyond life?

    1. Arkelos


      Beyond life.... Is something you have to create for yourself. Beyond your own life is your legacy, your history.... and at the end of your life you've reached beyond life.... you have reached and left your legacy.

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      What Vardak said, oh.. And DK, your mom.

      (:P <3)

  2. I made this, I just wanna hear what you think? http://i.imgur.com/dM6db.jpg

    1. Raptorious


      Looks like you got yourself a little fire there.

    2. gingernut97


      Winter is coming! Keep warm and make fires.

  3. *Watches everything from a distance*

    1. Bircalin


      Back to Broseus with ye'! ^^

    2. xDK


      I could say the same to you! ;P

  4. *looks at his denied MA.. again..* "Allright! I'm out, peace."

    1. V0idsoldier
    2. Kaiser


      screw MAs, seriously

      How'd we manage ruin fantasy?

  5. Those SM Apps... If you are Dane you'll get it.

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)
    2. Falks


      Much kink, very arouse.

      Doge <3

  6. I actually feel oddly releafed now that VA's are gone.

  7. Maybe I can hit 500 posts in 4 years.. That's 125 posts a year.. ._.

    1. Demotheus


      *glances at his own ~2k posts in 3 years* um...yeah...

    2. Demotheus


      ***** at people on the forums and get into arguments. You'll get that post count up in no time :D

  8. On the LotC in the middle of my english Exam.. lol.

    1. RK9ify


      On LotC forums in the middle of my enterprise class. :(

    2. Samler


      DK, ace it.

  9. You make me sick.

    1. xDK


      Good, I hope you get flashbacks to Vietnam or 9/11.

    2. Textarea


      Did you just tell yourself that you hope you get flashbacks of Vietnam or 9/11.......?

  10. Maybe you could do the poll of the Creative Cafe, anonymus? q.q

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Heh.  Why's that?

    2. xDK


      Welp, idk.. Maybe because some people are less popular than others?  But i'll survive if it isn't.. It's not like it means anything to me.. Or something.. *sniff*

  11. Survival Games starting in 30 minutes!
    IP is being sent to the people who signed up.

    1. jamesb


      Can I signup last minute?

    2. xDK
  12. My first football game was a bit like myfirst time being intimate.

    1. xDK


      I was bloody and sore in the end, but atleast my dad came.

    2. zaezae


      Yeah I never played football either.

  13. Why is school so much méme!!!

    1. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Wow. 1000 profile views very nice!

  14. Ze Minecon Tickets, Wohooo!

    1. Alec


      I'm rather jealous. :P

  15. The beard is going off, together with my hair! Bye bye!

    1. xDK


      This calls for a show yo'self post when I get home

  16. Am i the only one, who gets really mad/frustrated, when seeing someone posting a ban report on someone..

    1. everblue2er101


      I do too, but I can also give warns.


  17. Wubeti Wub Wub Hi.

    1. Emp


      bzzz chicka doof doof waaoowww hello

  18. I can't go outside, because there's a rhino right outside my hotel.

    1. Glasiconas


      Dude, it's just a curvy unicorn waiting to carry you off into the sunset.

  19. Mastur Guardian, finally.. Jeez..

    1. monkeypoacher


      how to be good?

  20. Everytime I log in.. This pops up http://gyazo.com/b7aa676289eeef82a4b9ddc3796c1dc0

    1. xDK


      And no, this is not the usual crash.

  21. This blacklist thing is the funniest **** that has happened on the server, for a while xD

    1. Gangrel1230


      Nothing like the server banding together to meme and flame. Haven't seen this since that YouTube scandal not too long ago.

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