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Status Replies posted by VonAulus

  1. Any experts on Shamanism I could talk to?

  2. LotC With Me will be postponed this week due to another project coming out soon. Cheers!

  3. If you guys don't love Oren, you might be a troll

  4. How is it edgy to uppercut people with push daggers? :C

  5. Today I learned that if you RP'd an ass hole character, players will percieve you as an ass hole OOC. So I have to be nice to him

  6. Hey, thanks to whoever covered up my home and now can't get in because I don't have perms for my own house... And stole my farm... ---

  7. i think we should take a look at mining on this server. It seems we've already dried out all the mines which has made lots of things impossible to get. Seriously I only have 1 ingot of iron, and there's no stores selling that i can find.

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the seventh High Prince or Princess of Malinor?

  9. and lo, a day is coming when no stew will be brewed, and the sun shall not smile

  10. Dear Oren. This is your princess - http://i.gyazo.com/534e79149d1ea82f952b7be6af3fc190.png That is all.

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who were the last four GM heads of the Media Team?

  12. Watchign old movies from childhood days. Jumanji is a lot better than I remember.

  13. Shogun 2 will release for mac soon. I hope I meet system requirements!

  14. me mum died befoh i wa' e'en born ;(

  15. Because I'm Cappy.~

  16. Well played, orcs.

  17. Can a GM please PM me and tell me why/how I was banned. Thanks.

  18. Tried to get on today...no one was around...i like my server where there are people to rp with, not having people around, and walking around for 15 mintues with nothing...not fun

  19. With the death of the Geminine's, a new Gallmorian family will rise

  20. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which nation was closest to the Alrasian Sea in Asulon other than Alras?

  21. Okay, so Draenei Priest, Night elf Priest, or Gnome priest?

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