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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Jistuma

  1. Btw guys, the cooking recipes are fixed, you can do all those that appear now. A few are missing though, I'll get to work on that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Where is my golden apple recipe........................................

    3. Rethai


      Thanks Jistuma!!

    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      goldapple pls.

      pls return

  2. Can anyone link me the new war rules? I can't find them...

    1. Ragadorus
    2. Jistuma


      That's the one, thank you.

  3. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Lima


      Bro literally one of them joined the undead and complained the undead lack sex appeal like wtf.

    3. Lima


      No seriously saying they needed more women and that it was a sexist institution.

    4. excited


      Mithras Sylvari

  4. Cleaning up the roleplay ideas section. If you have WIP lore that you want to continue there, send me a pm.

  5. Clearly those aren't all players on LOTC, go vote! Even if you don't do magic - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123385-does-your-character-do-magic/

  6. Come on guys, only 11 players say they don't use magic IC. Go vote here! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123385-does-your-character-do-magic/

  7. Come on, where are the clerics!? Are you guys gone? All dark magics have at least the same numbers as you guys so far. Are you letting them win? Go vote! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123385-does-your-character-do-magic/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TavernLich


      Lol wot? RIP Dark Arts

    3. Parkins


      Dark Arts are just better, that's why.

    4. Charles_Grimlie


      Clericalism is magic? I thought it was just Miracles.

  8. Could a GM update the server rules with the new stuff? The War Rules need a link or a spoiler in the post, and then there is the new rule concerning the use of the "new Standard." Adding the MC change rule (the one that says you can't change a MC name into something bad) also should be added. The rules were placed into a thread for quick change and adding. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123087-the-official-server-rules/

    1. Jistuma


      Forgot the new magic rules. Should be added that all players now need to learn magic IC. Though "you can't break lore" might fit into it.

    2. Samler


      Many thanks Justuma!

    3. Lima


      Jistuma the Just, Justuma.

  9. Does your character know magic? Does he not know magic? Either way, go vote! - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123385-does-your-character-do-magic/

  10. Don't drink the Brew of Harmony to fight in PVP, you will regreet it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      Wait just 2 regents..? Or more in those 2.

    3. Jistuma
    4. ShameJax


      fml, we've been doing like 10 regent potions.

  11. Don't forget that you can update the wiki with history, tales, characters, animals, events and so on. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/

  12. Everyone read the thread: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/ It concerns lore without actually written lore, and hidden lore.

  13. For those that didn't read before, the wiki had something not working and no one could ask to join it. It's fixed now so everyone that wants to edit the wiki and couldn't before, now you can go to it and click the join button on the top right corner.

  14. For those that want to see a stream of me coding and then testing out the code: http://www.twitch.tv/jistuma

    1. Neri


      came for the code stayed for the music

  15. How do I read the full status now? It seems that they get cut in half or something.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Click on the reply part of it and it'll take you to the full thing, along with the poster's profile.

  16. I decided to give help to the players that are still trying to figure out the code. Either come talk to me on TS, or talk to me in skype, or whatever. I'll try my best to help you, if you still want to try and do the code. (no one has been able to complete it yet.)

    1. Neri


      I took a quick look at it, I think i'll be going back to the Riemann Hypothesis, much easier.

  17. I made alex stop capitalizing every word for two sentances!

  18. I made Jesus Boots!

    1. Ford


      no one asked for this

  19. I read it Lykos I did, yet I can not speak of them because I know nothing of them.

    And you probably killed it didn't you? And you already flew on a drake, I know you did :P.

  20. I still have no idea why people that enjoy pvp in LOTC don't try and use the potions I added to the server. Heck, contact me if you think a potion is too OP or too weak to ever be used.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Narthok


      Ingredients are too rare and all the recipies are not widely accessible.

    3. ShameJax


      Only 4 people know the recipes I believe, whom are trying to not turn it into enchanting.

    4. Narthok


      ^ Same thing with prot, **** gets horded af

  21. I would still like the players to state what they believe the LM and lore requirements stop in roleplay. Please go take a look here and comment: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/100963-feedback-what-the-players-believe-need-lore/

  22. I'm looking at the front page of the wiki, and I noticed there aren't a lot of guilds in the organization section. If you want your guild linked in the main page there, simply answer this status if already done, or create a wiki page for it. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/

  23. If you had a thread in the roleplay ideas section, please go take a look, you might have to talk to me if you want the thread to not be archived.

  24. Is there no Livestream up? Media team! Get to it!

    1. MamaBearJade


      some dont know how and if I do it i will lag too much for enjoyment

    2. Kim


      I'm able to stream but I'm not media nor VIP @_@ rip

  25. Just a few days left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

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