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Status Replies posted by calculusdesola

  1. Fun Fact: Orenian soldiers have a custom hack in use during most Pvp battles that allows them to deck you solid.

  2. always outgunned, never outnumbered

  3. Congrats Dylan and Treshure, glad to see y'all with those fancy blue tags.

  4. Opinions on re-adding the ability to /setrace and /setage?

  5. Oh no Tarus man said Oren lost support of Tarus! So scared!

  6. It's hard to create an Elf when you can play as Drow~ The lovely DarkElves~

  7. Ah, I hope this GM revising will make sure that we can get new GM's and remove the ones that barely do any work. It's a repeating sequence of make app > do something for about 2 months > then hide and barely do anything until they end their mandate! Very shameful the server has that stereotype, and I hope it will be changed due 4.0.

  8. I went to an animal shelter today and signed papers to adopt an abandoned puppy.

  9. what does everyone think of the fattitude movement

  10. So... you wanna buy some edge... It's gonna cost you...

  11. wait, if i give goodreasons for brothels to return, can they in 4.0?

  12. Keep them profile views coming, folks.

  13. Being nice to people is not a case by case basis. When you act nice, you do it to everyone, to everything. You never go behind people's backs, you never talk bad to their fronts. You have fun, and you just... be nice. I don't know how else to explain it. Have a good day, folks :)

  14. One day all the messanger birds of LOTC will rise up and enslave us.

  15. July 4th: The day I came out and said I was bisexual.

  16. I don't understand why people wear hoods and masks to hide their identity, one you look creepy, second the guards will come beat you up cause your creepy and then remove your mask like some Scooby-Doo villain. Dress up like a farm or peasent, people trust peasents.

  17. y do we need feminists, im a white upper middle class male so i know a thing or two about rights and i say only men should have em

  18. do what vulcus suggested. or at least a variation. plz

  19. welcome back kyle

  20. And people say OREN has all the trolls..

  21. Ford is going to genocide everyone not Southeron

  22. Why do people put their OOC dislike for people into the RP? It's quite disgusting.

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