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Status Replies posted by Nug

  1. lot of people throwing out fighting words but they afraid to back it up

  2. What's the best way to get rep.

  3. do not enjoy living in a world where self teach altars are broken, important lore is in infinite hiatus, orcs still have no ST or eventline. I applied before the first ST event drive and even with a second one there are still "too many cooks"


  4. what would be your favorite lotc alt. history timeline

    1. Nug


      no bad mathic age

      no paladins sticking around after setheriens defeat

      and everything that would subsequently entail


    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  5. Have never played an Orc, thinking of creating one. Does anyone have a google doc or something with notes on how to talk like one?

  6. When will we acknowledge that (some of) the main issues on lotc are top down, such as most of the admins having to be yes-men to the full admins or risk removal which just means its the same problematic circlejerk we've had for years....

  7. Not a big forum dweller. Usually just play on servers, though this seems pretty heavy in the lore department and may end up on here from time to time for lore and RP discussions. Seems to have quite a history here after all.

  8. i rly appreciate the in-game auctions being held. f the auction house all my homies hate the auction house!!

  9. if you play a druid who is RPly friends with voidal mages or protects voidal magic, why do they do it?

  10. imagine roleplaying on minecraft

  11. CT stop trying to enforce skin standards on applicants its dumb 

  12. guys what language should i google translate for my new human culture 

  13. CT stop trying to enforce skin standards on applicants its dumb 

  14. Best part of the lotc forums are the softporn incest ads. Sometimes I refresh alot due to the ads dialogue being funny.

  15. why do people make these goodbye / funeral farewell comments in a public platform. Why u gotta broadcast?

  16. CLB is so good man, a work of art

  17. we've reached the point where CRPing with 12 year old anime rpers is a quicker conflict resolution than chasing flayfans around the map on their boats for 3 hours

  18. Ayo just woke up from a coma, where tf is Felsen?

  19. please give me new play ideas

  20. why was Flemish's thread removed?

  21. lord of the craft more like lag of the craft

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