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Status Replies posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. What's the main plot of the server now?

  2. Great fight undead. GG using 2 hit lightning strikes :)

  3. Biggie thanks to my sis for help; Here's my submission for the art comp C= http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/359/d/2/lotc___krug_by_demonessie-d8b950r.png

  4. I am better than you. @ The Ascended.

  5. Listening to TSFH to get this art done I:

  6. haha over 60 people on the server atm, holy ****....

  7. What did you guys get for Christmas?

  8. haha over 60 people on the server atm, holy ****....

  9. Anyone remember the time they turned the entire area around the cloud temple to snow/wool?

  10. finally some drama, it was starting to get boring around here

  11. both a ban and a ban report over something so damn trivial is just extreme af

  12. I keep getting timed out. I feel like a naughty 4 year old at day care...

  13. Could a skilled conjurationist cause deformations in their creations? (i,e, things that are not normally seen in the animal, and was not seen in the animal they dissected). Is this how 'elemental' conjurations occur (when you mix, let's say, fire evo with conjuration to create a flaming wolf)

  14. Could a skilled conjurationist cause deformations in their creations? (i,e, things that are not normally seen in the animal, and was not seen in the animal they dissected). Is this how 'elemental' conjurations occur (when you mix, let's say, fire evo with conjuration to create a flaming wolf)

  15. Prepare your wallets... http://gaben.tv/ it has come

  16. If Iblees were to reign supreme, would you appreciate a change of setting?

  17. Slave roleplay is the only roleplay!

  18. What is your favorite part of LOTC? Mine is pvp! ;)

  19. Undead be like.

  20. My ads on lord of the craft want me to open a Pakistani bank account. Wtf...

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