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Status Replies posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/cecf671135994df2ea512dbd18ab272c.png Playing around with my new Titan of a PC. Loving it so far. ^^
  2. Anyone know a decent faction pvp server without all the stupid gamemodes and that

  3. Stepping down from the GM team! I'm not too active right now so I don't really deserve the position. Maybe sometime later when I can dedicate the effort & time. Enjoy the World Cactus, Orcs! Lulu did a nice job with it. ^^

  4. I just denied a GM's alt application

  5. watch my terrible window movie maker video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkrrmrU2SIc

  6. Skyrim belongs to the nords

  7. Who would like to see a legitimately player-run Blood Mage antagonist? We wouldn't have any special sparkles, but things are underway to assure a proper threat can be made!

  8. Who would like to see a legitimately player-run Blood Mage antagonist? We wouldn't have any special sparkles, but things are underway to assure a proper threat can be made!

  9. Link me some sad music.

  10. All these squares make a circle.~

  11. So apparently Punk Rock is edgy ._., what is modern day society with their wub wub this, and their bass drop that. It shall never beat that 1990's rebelious grunge movement

  12. when the **** did everyone on lotc hit puberty and grow up.

  13. The word "culture" is used too frequently to describe differentiated racial factions. Why can't they be bloodlines, or houses, or legacies?

  14. Do you think it would be an impressive psychological study if a Role-Player and an Average Joe were hooked up into brain wave reading instruments then observed over a period of time? This is just a random thought that came to me... I think it would be cool.

  15. On hiatus for two weeks, peace famalam.

  16. memers are becoming just as jarring as weaboos

  17. memers are becoming just as jarring as weaboos

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