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Status Replies posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. These colorblind yokes are getting out of hand.. . . .. http://gyazo.com/2e4f786607d9de12aff488dfbabca161

  2. Death is only the beginning of the journey.

  3. http://gyazo.com/3d5a69a41c16ea91e3aed27a1c00cddd one of these things is not like the otherss
  4. I'm hoping my medicine and illness isn't taking my art hand...

  5. How 2 b GM: -say am gril -promis am gril -winky face -gm

  6. It's been a long time, and I apologise to those who are waiting for art. In an out of hospital and I

  7. My character is obsessed with magic, Though she has no way of learning it :(

  8. This scrolling vote update thing? Get rid of it.

  9. http://drakulus23.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/bonemold-armor.jpg Ganna push to change from goth blackness to this badassery.
  10. RIP Eyad01 (again) 2k14 his memes were on par of the creator meme at times he is seen as a mean fellow but we will always remember you as a brother and doer of meme justice, please pay your respects Iin the comments below

  11. Moved into my new house with the woman of my dreams earlier this week. Will be a week or so until I have a stable internet connection with which to be sassy on.

  12. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck?

  13. First former pugsier to become GM.

  14. Praise the Maker.

  15. Why is Iblees called the "Arch-Daemon"? The title of Arch implies a leadership role, much like Aerial or Gazardiael were Archaenguls (I may be mistaken for Aerial), as they had other Aenguls beneath them with similar goals and ideals. Iblees, however, has no one but himself and maybe Ikuras, and a single seperate Daemon does not register him as a valid Arch-entity. He would be the opposite, in fact. He's a fallen immortal.

  16. Marvel > DC.

  17. Eyad has returned. Undead, are you antagonized yet?

  18. Resident Evil 6 is actually pretty good.

  19. These undead sp00ks sure are scary and good enemies, friends! Watch your backs, this Halloween!

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