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Everything posted by Slic3man

  1. School today, school off tomorrow, then school again. Smart School Schedule is Smart. *Sarcasm*

  2. Finally got the post up, was busy earlier today but I managed to get it up during the night. Take a peek if you want. ;} http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/74359-auvergnian-culture/

    1. Lawyer


      OH i can take a peek ? ;)

  3. Just made some lovely culture for Auvergne. As well as different types of festivities for them. I'll post them soon. :}

  4. Just spent an hour removing people from my regions. ;_;

  5. Can I get unbanned from the main TS server, apparently someone thought I was Boxxy and banned me. (Mog)

  6. What's the total tophat group?

  7. As soon as I go to change my skin, Minecraft.net goes down...

  8. Since when did everyone begin to have hidden blades from Assassin's Creed? O_o

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      *files ban report on Arzota for pg.

    3. Braxis


      hidden blade lore was denied to my knowledge last time it was brought up. But I argeed with Raptor Greatswords COME@US

    4. Shadeleaf


      *stares at the troll...* he has been

      intensively trained as an Elysian

      Guard to the hightowers, and his

      parents (dead), don't diss the knives...

  9. Server, stop torturing please.

  10. Well that escalated quickly, Duke of the Duchy? Challenge Accepted.

  11. Someone mind telling me why my minas were extremely drained to 20? A glitch I hope...

  12. Playing Maris for the Guivrets, thanks for the opportunity.

    1. Samoblivion


      The Guivrets are still going? Ursakar is pretty much abandoned.

  13. Yogscast has mentioned LotC before? Never heard of such a thing, post a link if you'd be so kind. ;}

    1. White Frost

      White Frost

      They mentioned it today, actually!

      The link to LotC is in the description, under "Building By:". :>
    2. JoakimVonAnka


      They liked our trailer about a year ago ^.^

  14. Question to Kha, can you smell through disguises and know someone while 5 blocks away?

  15. SERVER DOWN!!!111!!!!oneone!!!!111

  16. Look on the bright side, if you didn't ever go to school you wouldn't be able to understand English... and couldn't play LotC.

    1. Drelik


      I know engrish. Shouldnt have to still be going forced to learn physics if i dont wanna be the next einstein

    2. Slic3man


      True, some things are unnecessary.

  17. Keep on wandering.

  18. Nothing like getting decapitated then chatting with the executioner OOC'ly.

  19. Need a song to make you feel good? Not sure why but this one did.

  20. Lancel's palace is nice, especially when no one can actually get in. *My palace*

  21. Now I wait...

    1. Tentoa


      It's the waiting, the goddamned waiting.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~
  22. Ready to go squid jigging.

  23. My science teacher plays MC and he held up obsidian while teaching us about minerals then said, "I'm going to the Nether...". Wat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imjoebaker


      I approve of this.

    3. Ruonna/Cerafina


      I agree, arzota. that teacher is awesome

    4. MrSyth


      What arzota said.

  24. School is a weird thing, a good amount of things you learn in it won't even become handy unless if you take a job needing that. Otherwise, some of the things are useless.

    1. gabriel101x1


      But... Knowledge is everything!

    2. Rissing


      True, I fully agree.

      But then again I have to correct my own teachers..

      Still you have to get those grades.

      Without them you are nothing.


    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      School is where you or the government pays someone to read to you.

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