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Status Updates posted by Cloakedsphere

  1. It clearly stated it was a stalemate. I think everyone here had fun either way. No need to gloat and say one side lost because youre trying to be an elitist.

  2. Please bring back negative rep.

    1. Temp


      That will backfire, so bad..

    2. Kaun


      We should atleast make it where people can remove someones positive +1 to make things more even. Maybe no go to negatives but, remove things put.

  3. If you guys are seriously this upset that 1 player gets banned then go ask the damn player. Dont spam status updates about it.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Be an ass? Im not being an ass. There was a good 8+ status's asking the same thing. Over and over. Redundancy is annoying. I simply said go ask chuckaboo why he was banned before spamming it on the status updates. I am generally a nice person. I dont like stupidity and I generally dont tolerate it. I am sorry you feel differently but thats how I feel. As for you coaster, There is no reason to go around and be generally rude to people. I still have some of the comments you have made toward...

    3. Coaster


      Was the hint to difficult to decipher?

    4. Cloakedsphere


      Is being an ******* and a hypocrite a thing now? Because that is what you are being.

  4. Who here is up for some DayZ? Come join us!

  5. Rock it old school.

  6. How does the white roses have full 7+ sets of iron armor/swords? I thought it was removed from the server...

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Not items, just ores from the map

    2. Ever


      I assume like how every other race/group did: Stockpiled ores the first few days, carefully managing them since.

    3. Temp


      Yea. We don't waste iron. If a Rose is found using iron in a non-wartime environment they are punished.

  7. LMFAO. An FM locks another FM's post because its considered "Necro'd" when someone posts a comment? lulwut. The damned thread was stickied. It wasnt necro'd. It was made a rule/suggestion to the players. It shouldnt be locked. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      It wasn't intended to be any sort of discussion thread.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Well. There ya' go. The awnser to the entire question! But I still found it hilarious for it to be locked because it was declared "Necroing"

    4. Mitchamaya


      Necromancy is an ethically, morally, and legally forbidden magic!

  8. Meta gaming 3.0... Excellent!

  9. Hey GM's, Do the strike report section instead of let people get away with things for a good few months.

    1. shiftnative


      Maybe you should PM an administrator instead of making it a public en-devour to stir things up - homie.

    2. Cloakedsphere


      I was just saying because I figured a GM would at least check it once a week...

  10. On a dark desert highway... Cool wind in my hair... Warm smell of Colita's... Rising up through the air...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-


      Wait, wrong song? :3

    3. JCQuiinn


      There she stood in the doorway, by the mission bell. And I was sayin' to myself this could be heaven or this could be hell.

    4. SteelMarshall


      you sir, are stupid >:)

  11. -Is building a Dark elf district.-

  12. Just FYI - Megaupload is back and is called mega. https://mega.co.nz/

  13. I swear, Half of this community is so quick to play blame games it really makes it a terrible community to be a part of. Secondly, The way everyone treats each other is atrocious. If you cant play along and cant get along maybe its time some of you guys move along.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shiftnative


      Telanir is an excellent example of a fine contributor. Don't denounce his optimism, become a contributor today!

    3. Telanir


      Thanks shiftnative~ :)

    4. Evilbanana5757
  14. So, Who is next to hate the elves?

    1. meg


      All they need to do is anger the halflings and Kha, and they'll be set!

    2. Cloakedsphere


      Well seeing as how the halflings threatened to kill some elves before... And kharajyr are the only ones they are friends with.

  15. So. you lock the thread that just showed a screenshot and called it shameless advertising... Way to go LotC. He didnt even say it was DR and he never mentioned the server on the post. -.-

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. gingernut97


      Enough politics, members or not- we should support them.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      I dont see why this needs to be locked. No one is calling anyone names. No one is degrating others. Its just when someone accuses another person of something and removes it so none of us can see what REALLY happened then you guys give us a false accusation in our eye's. Also, Its like skippy said. I helped on that server being made for awhile because I wanted to do something different. It doesnt need locking unless someone is disrespecting someone here. Those people in the thread, as thoa...

    4. Kaiser


      I actually thought it was a picture from 3.0 because it kinda looks like our architect ((Of course, Vaq helped the server so his other work would look close to it)) and I really wonder why the hate. What did he do wrong? He wasn' even advertising...

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