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Status Updates posted by Cloakedsphere

  1. GG godfrey. You came to save your boy, The lion from getting his ass whooped on! (lol)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      I know, He needs to be put in his place every now and then. (IM CALLIN YOU OUT LION.)


    3. The Lion
    4. The Lion

      The Lion

      And out numbered. It was a regular Shepard and Garus in there.

  2. Sorry but for anyone complaining about how the media team was doing - You really need to keep your mouths shut. All of us had no clue what we were supposed to do. We didnt have much direction. I at least made some video's to pass the time. As for the video contest - That decision was practically made up awhile ago. No one ever got around to reviewing it because others didnt vote. Also, When you say you will do a review, Please do it because it puts media team on hold to announce winners.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shiftnative


      The media team could ask the players what they'd like to see perhaps - I have definitely given some storyboard type things to the team but it takes alot of work to create media

    3. Redbaron™


      We're brainstorming ^.^ We have a few videos coming out soon about some things players will likely want to see!

    4. Cloakedsphere


      Im not saying that the media team is terrible. Im trying to tell people who say are making rude comments about them need to shut their yappers.

  3. Did you know that soccer is the worlds most demanding sport? A close second is Motocross. ;P

    1. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      What is this "Soccer"?

    2. Lita
    3. Cloakedsphere


      Actually no. ;P Your going off of fittest sport. The most Demanding in all aspects is what im basing mine off of. I can be the biggest guy in boxing and 1 hit a guy. Doesnt take anything at all to throw my hardest punch.

  4. Ok wow. I have 4 copies of Dota 2. Who would like to trade me a game or two for one or two copies of this game?

    1. Goldrim


      What if I told you I have six.

    2. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      I'll give u a hug for a copy and <3 you forever? :P

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Nice goldrim. This is the 3rd time ive gotten 4 though. Ive had this game before it was even on sale. :3

  5. Anyone want a guild wars 2 livestream?

    1. shiftnative


      Everquest p99 > Guild Wars 2 ^o^

    2. Eleatic


      PFF. Shift is a hipster.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      GW2 is duh bomb. And I still have everquest installed. I totally forgot about it.

  6. Can we please stop blowing up the volcano. . . Im tired of logging on and RP'ing, hearing ghasts 24/7 that I can no longer kill because I cant get up the mountain.

    1. Amorphbutt


      Sorry, but those halflings must burn

    2. Kaiser


      So lets stop all the roleplay that doesn't complete your asking and does as you please.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Cow, You are about as stupid as a rock. Im not even kidding.

  7. For all the ladies out there. . . http://i.imgur.com/QNXRX.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geo
    3. Amorphbutt


      You two are so immature

    4. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      *pulls out a spray bottle and squirts Geo with it, BAD KITTY!

  8. Well, I guess my career as a dwarf is over. :I

    1. PtahWithin
    2. Cracker


      orcs are having a blast...! :D

  9. http://youtu.be/kYbAoBZp3PU LOL. Sex creatures.
    1. gingernut97


      What the actual hell...

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Well..that disturbed me.

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX


  10. Im sorry but Im 99.9% sure a ton of LotC Owes Merriest moogle an apology. Congrats on getting unbanned and im sorry everyone was so rude to you, moogle.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      I'll stay on the forums...probs

    3. Cloakedsphere


      lol. Well forums are a constant **** storm. If anything hop in game 1 or 2 times.

    4. Ancora (pandalex12)
  11. Sorry but you all are acting like complete and utter assholes. I dont care if he was in TS with you or not. Quit being immature and grow the **** up. Like seriously, You all claim half the people in this community is immature and that they need to stop trolling. LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO THE MOOGLE GUY. Shut the hell up, Quit making stupid troll posts and move the hell on.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      You're not helping at all you know.

      They might be acting immature, you're not doing any better. Let Moogle deal with it together with the staff, and if he really isn't Boxxy, good for him. In the meantime, stop being childish.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Stop being childish? Someone needs to come out and ***** at the staff. Someone needs to grow a pair and finally say something. Sorry you like to sit back and watch people get laughed at and disrespected.

    4. Cracker


      id understand the staff being really heistant and cautious, but when fms are trolling his statuses and attempts to post, its embarassing at the community

  12. -Tries to eat and goes AFK in server- -Gets bugged by multiple people and gets thrown out of malinor for standing in snow- Excellent. You guys are awesome.

    1. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Next time, you should have just

      logged off for a bit ^_^;

    2. Mithradites
  13. Well. My good night is completely ruined. Time to go look at cat memes.

  14. Holy hell half this community is batsh*t insane. o_o You guys are cray cray.

    1. Goldd


      Cray cray, all the way.~

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *laughs like a maniac*

    3. ek_knight


      It took you this long to figure this out?

  15. For all you WarZ players, I suggest you try to get a refund of your money. Because they are stealing TOS from other games. http://i.imgur.com/EBOr7.jpg

  16. I HOPE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL. Hope you all have a wonderful christmas.

    1. Angel~
    2. Ford


      Why can't we do both?

  17. Jesus christ. I just want to be a part of a peaceful nation and now they are getting attacked daily. IS THERE ANY NATION THAT DOESNT GET ATTACKED EVERY 5 HOURS? -.-

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Didn't halflings get raided by the dwarves? <.<

    3. Korvic


      -Lives out in a forest-

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Celia, that was almost a week ago. :)

  18. Sigh. Google has marked websites using certain ADS from AD companies and some of them contain malware. They have marked those ads on website as malicious and they think its harmful to your computer. Its google blocking an add on the website. There is not harm. So calm yo' teeets ladys and gents.

  19. Why is everyone saying coaster is unbanned? If you would actually check it still shows his account being banned on the server ban list.

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