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Status Replies posted by Aerinyes

  1. Mention Aeriel in Oren-Get called a heretic. Idiots.

    1. Aerinyes


      "No, I mean people who think Aeriel isn't a Aengul of the Creator. Hilarious."

      Most humans won't remember or know who Aeriel was. Remember humans only live to about 70-100 years.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. To save the world, I must find a way to burn fire.

  3. Soo...the elves went a little crazy tonight : )

    1. Aerinyes


      LotC 3.0: Wrath of Malin's Children.

      Seems legit XD

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Since the stealth ability is designed for players who are thieves and assassins, do you guys think we should make stealth exclusive to players with VAs?

    1. Aerinyes


      Aragorn and Legolas were not thieves or assassins, yet they were pretty darn good at moving stealthily. Remember, not every 'guard' is a human knight clomping through cobblestone streets.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Timmy grew up watching T.V., and after watching a few educational programs, decided he wanted to shoot people for a living. His job was not violent, and his parent's were very proud. What occupation did he desire?

  6. So guys? Kill of the mohawk dwarf? Or keep him? ;P

  7. This is great.. VA Revoked.. I have a strike.. And Sythra and Lym started a flame war on my GM app. And I can't do anything about it, because I've also been removed from the FM team. ******* awesome.

    1. Aerinyes


      I did not start a flame war, the other one did that. I meant everything I said, you could have just came to me about the actions of those people. When you went to OOC, you took it out of my hands. I've never had any issues or dislikes towards you before, and I still don't.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Did a few sketches of the Mori armour design, this is a unofficial idea and concept, not all or any Mori wear this design, this was me testing ideas for them, other sketches can be found on my DA account. http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Mori-Armour-Sketches-3-321365009

  9. Dear god I hate my generation, since when has playing WoW become an insult...since when has CoD become "THE GRETEZT GAYM EVAR, BETTER THAN THAT F** S*** ______" since when has become a contest of masculinity rather than enjoying your favourite game instead of insulting others with sexism and nationalism. Whats happened to the gaming I used to know? We must leave this godforsaken gaming world and move to the place of the elders. The one they call Steam. TO THE INDIE GAMES!

    1. Aerinyes


      Gamers haven't changed in 30 years. They have always made fun of others for playing something different. People would get made fun of for playing Zelda instead of Sonic back in the early 90s. Its not a generation thing, I know that.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Americans complaining about how hot it is? In the summer, it reaches 116 in Australia. Man up :3

    1. Aerinyes


      We hit those temps too in Texas and Arizona. Though the humidity there is low. But in the eastern US, along the coast its 100% humidity, with 100+ temps.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I need your help, Asulon, in determining Goliaths age. He's half human, half elf. As of the 7th of October, he was 28 in elven years. How old would he be now,

    1. Aerinyes


      Not 75 years in Aegis, my bad, 22. Not sure where the 75 came from.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. I need your help, Asulon, in determining Goliaths age. He's half human, half elf. As of the 7th of October, he was 28 in elven years. How old would he be now,

    1. Aerinyes


      So yes, he would be old. He'll still look like he's in his 20s, but very sickly and weak. Hair will not glossy and eyes will show the age. But the body will still look 20.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. I need your help, Asulon, in determining Goliaths age. He's half human, half elf. As of the 7th of October, he was 28 in elven years. How old would he be now,

    1. Aerinyes


      Started off at 28 elven years old? Thats 1276.8 as an elven or Malin's Year is 45.6 years. 75 years passed in Aegis from Oct 7th, and 52 passed in Asulon, that makes him 1351.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Arik's wife is with child....;)

  15. I'm wondering if hand-to-hand combat is used often in LOTC. Looks like most often people use deadly weapons to go through their everyday battles.

    1. Aerinyes


      The dark elves of Malinor seems to be starting a martial arts tradition of sorts.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Not sure, if I should make a va with ALL EVILS, or just make 1 VA then make many mini VA's as I go along for the ride, into the dark and madness <_>".

    1. Aerinyes


      When you write a VA, its supposed to have evils that make sense for your character to have. One large VA with all evils usually doesn't make much sense.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. the worst thing just happened to me .. I puked and it came out my nose. -.-

    1. Aerinyes


      I'll tell Brave to give you a hug then =)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Made 2000 mina in a day. Shops are awesome.

    1. Aerinyes


      Step 1. Punch a hole in the box.

      Step 2. Put your item in the box....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. I am a bit disappointed no punishment was given to the person who killed with PvP when it was no noted to happen. Tsk tsk. Guards.

    1. Aerinyes


      Resisting arrest gets you killed in Malinor, just like it would in Oren. All you have to do is what you're told and nothing would have happened.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Do you need refs for a mini VA?

  21. Where has everyone gotten this idea that Haelun'or has no RP and they take it upon themselves to "provide" us with some. I wish to denounce this idea and say that Haelun'or RP is fine. And jumping our walls to PVP us won't start at quality RP that you seek.

    1. Aerinyes


      Haelun'or should consider blockjump/vineproofing their walls by adding a lip at the top. That way when certain GMs visit and add vines, it will do nothing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Had some totally awesome RP planned for tonight but the server has other plans. >_>

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