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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by bickando

  1. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which type of bread is made almost solely by the Elves?

  2. What is the IP?

  3. Sure would like to play. If only the IP would work for once

  4. Character ideas that can get me to actually log onto the server again gogogo.

  5. Surely it doesn't takke this long to simply get implemented...

  6. I have something to confess.. There is no real Burkester, you see my real name is Aislin. And I did it for the rep (jk) :(

  7. Yay, he says getting his account details back. What's all changed?

  8. the people on this server don't support their staff, they wait for them to **** up so they can rip them a new one

  9. Post reached the top rep

  10. there's trolling, then there's kicking the legs of one of the people who literally keep the server from topsiding

  11. For those players from Asulon, I suggest we do what we did then when the server kept dieing, Forum Roleplay!

  12. Rollbacks make for very immersive roleplay.

  13. a girl is buying me chocolate, my how the tables have turned

  14. So where's most of the RP happening?

  15. I'm thinking of creating the solar system with the planet Athera is located on...

  16. Time to play a game. Fill in the blank! http://imgur.com/a8I7jl0

  17. Is the server down or does it have a new IP?

  18. Would you need to write out lore if wishing to introduce a new culture, religion and place a character could come from?

  19. Can someone please Rep one more thing of mine It hurts to see 79 rep and not a solid number like 80 :(

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