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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by bickando

  1. Did they take out that thing that lets you see who else is viewing a topic?

  2. I didn't want to be LM anyway. I guess!

  3. The State of the Funion is very disappointing so far

  4. How old must one's character be to learn void magic?

  5. so when memes become a taboo and shunned upon, what happens next?

  6. Who do you think the most Overpowered champion in league of legends is? (Specifically solo queue)

  7. found this sick af game, check it: http://dogeminer.se/#

  8. Once again ban reports are left to fester for a month without any GMs posting on them. At this point I'm not even surprised anymore, while they do have lives, they obviously should have had time during the month to get it done.

  9. There is a difference between being Emotionally Invested in your character, and being Emotionally Obsessive. One gives you the highs and lows of your chars, the other pisses you off cause you cant have your way. Which are you?

  10. There is a difference between being Emotionally Invested in your character, and being Emotionally Obsessive. One gives you the highs and lows of your chars, the other pisses you off cause you cant have your way. Which are you?

  11. Does genderbending make you impure in the eyes of High Elves? that is the question

  12. Guys I get some people don't like Nexus Regions but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not exaggerate on your bug reports to try to get it removed.

  13. back off dude this is my turf

  14. one day my appeal will get responded to?

  15. Looking to come back, who is good to play now adays, race wise?

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