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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. Anyone got a spare Hawken beta key they would like to throw me? Kinda want to upload gameplay of it to mah channel

  2. Any other LoTCers at the Houston vs Portland BBall game?

    1. craotor


      Watching MLG brah

  3. Wondering if I can reapply for app team...but considering what happened with the forums on my account, I dunno. XD

  4. Well...I went trick or treating in America, kind of. Was too terrified to actually go to people's door XD

    1. Redbaron™


      In america you're the treat and they eat you.

    2. Jchizz


      >:D Shhh, don't tell them!

  5. Everyone is so nice in America...it's quite scary. XD

    1. Braxis


      Remeber, Old pepole, White Van=Run

  6. Anyone want to take me under their wing IG? My character has no-one to RP with, he so loneleh! XD

    1. Dukester


      Gimme some info like race, background etc. I might have an honorable position for you up North ;)

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Dwarf. There is like 3 aussie timezone dwarfs which means 30% of the people IG at this time of day are dwarfs (damn lol). Theres a lot of aussies in D'Hara too.

  7. I'm back, I'm back, you know it!

    1. Rilath


      And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again, who's back?

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Hellooooooo Hypeeeey~

  8. So...who's getting WarZ?

  9. Shameless youtube self-advertising: http://www.youtube.com/user/thehypecave

    1. danic


      *Ties a rope around Hype's neck, dragging him away* Come on on, Hypie~ Let's go for a walk.

    2. hypercrit


      NO! I DONT WANNA! I JUST WANT SUBSCR- *choked to death*

  10. Finished all of AMC's The Walking Dead. Only thing to do now is watch it all again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Max-


      pirating; however I watch them as they premiere on AMC

    3. Boomack21


      @wheatley Use tvlinks

    4. hypercrit


      We can't get AMC in Australia, so I just get them off TPB.

  11. Read this somewhere. I know where I'm going to Uni. "Last year, Michigan State University raised eyebrows when it offered a course called "Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse.""

    1. Kaiser


      Damn it dad, I told you to not park by the humans...

    2. Samoblivion


      The guy's 77 years old... maybe he has some form of dementia?

  12. Any C programmers here that could help me with an online course....I need to get it done by Saturday, and I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall...


    1. danic


      I love that song. Also, highhyper

    2. XkynarethX


      Oppan Gangam style!!! Op op op op oppan Gangam style!

  14. Thanks for everyone who responded to my previous status. He's smiling a lot more now!

  15. Anyone willing to sub to my friend's youtube channel? He's going through depression, and some extra subs would mean a lot to him.

  16. Got CS:GO Beta. Suck as much as I did the other CS games, but I still love it.

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Welcome to the Club! :D

  17. Just got into this dragoncave business... http://dragcave.net/view/obltZ

    1. Slic3man


      ~Shameless Advertising~

  18. That awkward moment when you are singing Literal Trailers at the top of your lungs and your mother walks in the door...

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Did that one day, not the same song, but I tensed up REALLY bad and was like 'May I help you'.. Twas funny.

  19. Any other avid 'Medium' watchers out there?

    1. Pliz


      If it's the one I'm thinking of, yes.

  20. Decided to come back and lurk the forums again. How's it going, guys?

  21. How would you guys feel about me rejoining this community? I've been pondering it, but I've kind of stopped playing Minecraft, so I wouldn't be on the server. You guys think I should come back or not?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      I would also like to see you come back, but it is your decision to or not.

    3. Heero


      Baby come back!

    4. Skippy
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