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big narstie

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Status Replies posted by big narstie

  1. Better watch your back on the streets yekim 'hardman' ¬_¬ might stand u up

  2. Better watch your back on the streets yekim 'hardman' ¬_¬ might stand u up

  3. homosexuality is not a choice

  4. homosexuality is not a choice

  5. homosexuality is not a choice

  6. Al-Dirahk looks awesome

  7. haha supremacy this is what happens when you kick me from the high elf chat, you get shafted >:)

  8. if we keep using memes so haphazardly, eventually they will gain antimeme resistance and then we will have created supermemes... THEN WHAT

  9. builds a city neighbouring the WAR nation full of BLOODLUSTY uruks, then complains that they're getting WCed when they don't even pay tribute

  10. shoutout to galender_aveere and burkester. bringing nice fresh tactics in.

  11. Daily Trivia: What was the name of the Uruk who won the Test of Strength?

  12. Daily Trivia: What was the name of the Uruk who won the Test of Strength?

  13. Is it only inevitable that President Obama is set to be slaughtered on the world stage once more? While President O. has called for more sanctions and conflict, Mr. Putin is at a peace meeting with the regional powers including Ukraine.

  14. Both SOna and Twisted fate were buffed most recent patch. I love everything

  15. Freema Killed my cats ;-; Cat 1 and Cat 2 2015-2015 RIP only lasted 45 mins

  16. follow me on twatta @wellhungwarl0rd

  17. follow me on twatta @wellhungwarl0rd

  18. Like any of the staff added in the last six months meant **** for the server...

  19. Sick today, the post containing my mystery character has to wait a bit. Sorry High Elves, sorry supremacy. Probably will be back on it on thursday

  20. why isnt swgrclan a lore master?

  21. You get one super power, what is it?

  22. You live in middle earth, what race are you?

  23. Sometimes things just need to burn...

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