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Status Updates posted by Heero

  1. Kai is the best gm

  2. Late night Imgur is DARK

    1. Peanut Butter Jelly

      Peanut Butter Jelly

      Imagur at night is basically 4chan

  3. Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead.

  4. lol, japanese char in ur name. what r u, gey

  5. Lol. I was the one that told Sawses about it, then he told everyone else. I would have said something, but I didn't want to take an amazing player like you away from Mesalia.

  6. Lookie what I snagged. http://i.imgur.com/H280y23.jpg

    1. Space


      well i just snagged your ***** cause i'm so fly so :^)

    2. Shalashask


      Are the witcher books worth reading? What's the English translation like?

    3. Heero


      Really good so far. I bought it to read for a road trip to Boston with friends. Already struggling to keep the thing down.

  7. Malocchio is thirsty.

    1. Lark


      shes thirsty for de L

  8. Marigold my love you've had too much to drink

  9. Mii nub kar'. Gunna duu et unehwai. Tuu bid fer Zrat. Eurharhar.

  10. Mitto's gonna be the death of me

    1. mitto
    2. mitto
    3. Harri


      i'd appreciate if you didn't use pics of me sir

  11. Mogroka, Mogroka. Please don't bring home the Mogroka.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Context please?

    3. Heero


      If I get one last status, it'll be me asking Santa for no Mogroka this year. That's the context.

    4. SirSnowMan


      All I want is Mog

  12. My God, Evangelion 3.0 trailer. So pretty~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNLXSDLISUg

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Can't wait for this movie to be subbed. Huge fan of the original series and rebuild films.

  13. Naww. It just hit me, the ice infront of the Mori's cave melted. No more iceskating infront of their gate. ;_;

  14. Not again. ;~;

  15. Not gonna lie. I actually laughed and got a kick out of Raptor's Pugsy. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. youlovesocks
    3. Heero


      Sadly so Socks. Sadly so.

    4. excited



  16. Nyaaa. Yush, just yush. Join the Undead in their little circle of Purgatory under my college. Ya'll get along fine. :3

  17. Oh God, Zarsies! -Crawls under the nearest desk.-

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