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Status Replies posted by Gorum©

  1. mfw MT think the problem of magics is that they're too cliquey but they're too common and shitty now all value has been lost to them.


    if they can literally be used as ooc negotiating tools it isn't /that/ cliquey.

    1. Gorum©


      magic plugin would be infinitely better for the server and attractin new players, i think the decision to scrap it due to jeopardizing peoples special abilities was a terrible decision

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. All these new applications, jesus christ

    1. Gorum©


      honestly I can't say I've had a single good experience with magic users on LoTC in recent years, it always just becomes one guy tossing 4-5 other people around with their magical tentacles. That and Dwarven rune smithing which is also apparently a free ticket to powergame.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. All these new applications, jesus christ

    1. Gorum©


      They'll all be gone once they attempt to fight and get tossed around by some powergaming magic RP God

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why is man getting emails off you geese 
    but hi

  5. Is the ocean salty because the land never waves back

  6. Today, I have killed off my first character on LoTC, It is a bitter feeling, but must be done to promote RP and to give things weight.



    Thond Doomforged

  7. is the server up?

    1. Gorum©


      yeah thats been happening to a few people, i have no idea what it is

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. say what you will, devs did nice job. Was relatively lag free.

    1. Gorum©


      500 people is impossible to deal with lol, this was still extremely smooth for 200 people. Props to them

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. How come the fringe war was so much funner then all of these laggy warclaims?

    1. Gorum©


      This warclaim wasn't bad at all after the crash, there's just way too many people in fights since people have like 2 weeks to rally.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Pro tip: If you got chub remember to tuck it. Party in the back, serious buisness in the front.

    1. Gorum©


      exactly man, you gotta live by that ****

  11. I got banned, oh well i guess that is the end of an era

    1. Gorum©


      if you're gonna get banned for cybering do it right, ask the cybering professionals within our community (not me.) just pull your e-pants down

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Define Harrasment: aggressive pressure or intimidation. "they face daily harassment by the police" synonyms: persecution, intimidation, pressure, force, coercion

  13. I don't think Aiim will appeal his ban in 4 months. Just sayin'

  14. What the heck was I banned for?

    1. Gorum©


      because breezes =/= Malinor =/= Soft kids

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. why must IRL anger occur over an online minecraft roleplay server?!1111?!!!/!/ :^(

    1. Gorum©


      because breezes =/= malinor

  16. why do you remove my status that speaks the truth?

    1. Gorum©


      Gronkk. In your homeland, Breezes are not in Malinor. I have no respect.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. why do you remove my status that speaks the truth?

    1. Gorum©


      Gronkk. In your homeland, Breezes are not in Malinor. I have no respect.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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