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About Geo

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    Tiger of Mind, Lion of Heart.

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    Gravelord Chrodraeos
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  1. I couldn't have phrased your explanation on 6x's BR any better, I have constantly tried to make people on both sides of Dreadlands/Norland/Orcs as well as Oren to understand that 'halting' is never sufficient rp and especially not sufficient to run away from and initiate pvp, however /both/ sides continued to do it one after the other. Something I would like to be put out there is that players seeking to assassinate/pk a character should seek ooc confirmation and doing thorough rp to lead up to the final event.. Too many players attempt the usual stop on the road, capture, and behead in the middle of a city or 'sneaking' up behind and doing a one-emote kill.

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      ur nose is bare brown bruv wtf haha

    2. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      I feel Geo let that BR go with ease, yes the stories may have been mixed up but that's what you approach each player and hear them out as they explain exactly what happened, the non-rp popping has been a big problem with Orcs/Dreadlanders/Nortruppen within the past few weeks, even people who aren't apart of those groups have seen it, and they would laugh because they know they would always get away with it as well.

    3. Venomoo


      One of the worst no-rp pvp's I saw initiated was in Felsen when a group of Dreadlanders were seeking to raid but respectfully waited as they went to get gm confirmation to do such. Most of the party just waddled about until a massive rally in Felsen stormed out, sending emotes in shout such as 'halt' and 'stop' though it was obvious their intention was to pvp when they immediately tried downing several of the potential raiders only to be countered and utterly destroyed in the Dreadlanders' retaliation. In that situation, the Felsen rally should not have initiated pvp, and should have atleast contacted the raiding party's leader to even try such, offering a fair beginning of conflict instead of a surprise attack mechanically.

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