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Everything posted by Geo

  1. Goooodniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

    1. Merkaken
    2. Augor


      Sleep is for the we-- *falls asleep*

  2. What's a decent age for a Dark elf?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. Peter Chivay
    4. Aiden


      150 ish is a young-adult age for all elves if I'm not mistaken

  3. Came home from school early cus ya know... its school

    1. The Victor Blair Project
    2. The Victor Blair Project
    3. Geo


      I wish I was that funny/

  4. A letter arrives with blunt and basic handwriting, a rolled up scroll with the attached recruitment letter flutters in the soft wind.
  5. Liri...

    1. Geo


      u break da servur

    2. Eleatic


      ik she did. but dolan halped pls.

  6. Should I bother with some miraculous 500 post blegh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Only if you are writing a story

    3. Sorsby
    4. Raptorious


      Dont do it man! Dont let yourself be tainted by the deny!

  7. Don't worry Ben. You are still my favourite pumpkin-peoples

    1. Wretched
    2. Goldd


      I like pumpkin pie. -Morpheus

  8. Two-Sixty Raptor. Two-Sixty.


  10. Liri, what did you do?

    1. Aengoth


      Liri struck again.

  11. Geo

    Y u no post on meme thread? :c

  12. Today is a wonderful day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy


      Not sure if sarcastic...

    3. CTap


      Or just nerd...

    4. Geo


      Yeah man, he totally needs to get outside more.

  13. Ah, you misunderstood my interpretation of how this would bring back more role-play. As you see most of the things included in here are vital to host large role-plays, role-plays that involve everyone. Whilst it would only be granted to a select few it is these few that I would trust with hosting large events like sacrifices and rounding up the community to hold fun ceremonies and the like as for your other question that is the beauty of it all, they would gain glimpses that whilst in the bigger picture don't really matter though at the time of role-play make for very interesting RP. This more often than not would be inaccurate and may not have even any sort of relevance to the Kharajyr as a people and in fact may be knowledge of the complete other side of the world but the fact is it introduces role-play. For instanct the example I set in the extract there, they gained glimpses of lava on the earth which essentially could mean anything, then around sixty years later the mountain in their homeland erupted with lava. Now you see there would be no way to tell where or when that would happen, or if that's even what was going to happen but it's the social aftermath of that in which the people start to realise. "This is all familiar..."
    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Sorry if Panda sounded harsh.. Love you Geo <3

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Panda didn't sound harsh, Panda gave her opinions which is what Panda should do

  14. Muun’Trivazja -IC- The history of the Muun’Trivazja Upon the creation of her beautiful beasts the Kharajyr, the Daemon Metztli was filled with not only pride but the love of a mother as she watched her perfect race take it’s first steps into independence, whilst she was certain they didn’t need her to decide their every action she always had a deep contrasting emotion at the back of her mind, they were her children. She allowed it. The Kharajyr thrived alone for many a year, their farmers would yield the crop and the miner’s split the stone as they worked together as a race to solve the mysteries of survival, although survival was something that came natural to them with such feral instinct. Though the Kharajyr had no knowledge of their own creation, simply presuming they had always been and always were to be but this was not a problem to Metztli for the Daemon knew it was not their fault they knew not of their mother, it was their mother’s job to show them. Generations passed and the Kharajyr thrived in their jungle paradise. Yet Metztli felt neglected by her children and wished for them to show their gratitude. Feeling pity towards them she gifted them signs, wishing to guide them in the knowledge of their own creation. These signs were unravelled and interpreted by the Kharajyr sages, and her people accepted her as their creator and divine ruler, constructing great Temples in her name and sparking the order of Priests and Priestesses, devoted to her worship. The very creation of the Kharajyr was said to have been a very disgusting, distorted and magic infused process which involved the link from the being to it’s mother Metztli and this suggested that they had a very magical bond with their mother whom in their eyes represented the moon and the ancient priests and priestesses; the ones in direct worship of Metztli were the one’s who claimed to communicate with her. For on the jungle paradise that she had created for her master race she blessed the waters with her touch, the very waters they filled the pools of their sacred temples with and Metztli used this to commune with the Kharajyr sages, the ones whom would insight her wisdom as their Muun mother. For centuries passed and she periodically revealed the gifts in which she would bestow upon her children for when she felt it were the right time to show them, believing it was due time she passed on her knowledge to the wisest of the Kharajyr she offered them her first gift. Only the wisest and most magically harmonized of the Kharajyr could obtain even a glimpse of Metztli’s wisdom resulting in the rest of the Kharajyr beginning to doubt her presence, her role as their ruler and even her existence, some of them began to feel abandoned and faithless and soon began to claim their lives pointless without having a deity. Metztli was quite hurt by this but she also understood how they must have felt this way but she desperately wanted her children to worship their goddess again and so the Daemon Metztli offered them a way to also catch a slight glimpse of her presence and great knowledge but one that would be requiring of their own efforts. She gifted the great Kharajyr sages more signs and when these were unravelled it was clear that what their mother wanted was a sacrifice, a living being that had wronged them to be forfeit to their goddess. The Kharajyr sages confronted the rest of their people and told them of Metztli’s great revelation in that in order to spark her love they would need to show their devotion once more. They were told to go out and retrieve a suitable living being for the sacrifice and meanwhile the sages prayed to their mother in hopes she would guide them on how to prepare for such a meaningful ritual. She guided her children just as they had asked, to her blessed waters within their temples, she had them carve daggers made of solid Lapis Lazuli, her precious sacred gemstone and awaited for them to bathe in their goddesses waters. The left the Daemon’s sacred chamber now fully energised with her influence as they made their way to the top of their grand temple, they called for the sacrifice in which the Kharajyr had been sent out to gain and laid it upon the table under night sky. The moon was full, stunning and beautiful as it shone down on her assembled children whilst the sages of whom were unsure how they would go about doing this ritual put their common sense to use, taking their own initiative into the sacrificial ceremony. They started like they would with any prayer, asking for her guidance, forgiveness and blessing for the troubles ahead, the sins they committed and the seasons to come. They began to speak in the complex tongue of Metztli as they spoke directly to the Daemon and so they began to cut incisions upon the chest of the sacrifice, removing it’s very heart and holding it towards the moon for their mother to see. They all began to chant, howl and roar up as they begged for recognition of this marvellous ritual so they would once again have a deity to follow and as they invoked the power of the Daemon the body began to disintegrate before their very eyes as Metztli began to reel it back into her domain, to ever rest with her. Metztli heard their calls, their cries and their pleas as she thundered down from the skies, the words of Metztli stunned the Kharajyr, notifying them of her gratitude and their welcome back into the arms of their mother. She would grant them good fortune or so they believed as long as they stayed true to their mother. So Metztli’s children followed her wishes as closely as were possible, at the end of each season they made another sacrifice to not only thank Metztli for all she had given them but to also repent any wrongs they have done and hope that in turn their creator would accept their apologies and bestow upon them a token of her gratitude in the following season. They prayed to her in these sacrifices that the next harvests would be grand, the newborn would thrive and that her people stayed fine and well. She granted these requests without fail most of the time and once again she began to feel the deep impacting love from her children, the Daemon was pleased with her creations once again. Though the well being of the Kharajyr within an instant began to turn to ruin when one day a little naive Kharajyr cub had been diving in the murky jungle pools and recovered a little green bug, fit with six legs and a hard shell which was dotted with little purple spots. The Kharajyr found it amusing to watch the little bug scramble about on it’s paw and decided to collect a little bunch of them to bring back to it’s muuna and patta. The Kharajyr’s parents praised him as they began to feast upon the peculiar little bugs, crunching happily as they thanked Metztli for this discovery. Though to their horror it was not a situation to be grateful at all, they soon began to turn ill from the lethal venom that the bug had harboured and which bore a plentiful mass of outrageous symptoms. The fur on the Kharajyr began to grow a disgusting moldy white color like that of a mushroom whereas other parts of the fur simply fell of in large clumps. Green spots began to emerge all over the flesh of the inflicted Kharajyr and some even began to die, not only was this fast acting but it was also contagious as the curious Kharajyr that seeked to help their kin also grew quickly ill, suffering the same symptoms. The Kharajyr sages grew filled with distraught, unsure why Metztli was doing this to them and even still they began to sacrifice the well to gain her wisdom, they begged for forgiveness and explanation for they wondered why their goddess was letting this happen. Metztli too was in distress as she wondered the same thing though she did not plan for this she felt it was her own fault, creating the island with so many little vile creatures other than her perfect master race. She offered her sages yet another gift which was unraveled and interpreted to be a gift of sorrow and forgiveness, the signs told them of a way to cure the quickly dissipating race. So forth from bathing in Metztli’s sacred pools they would invoke her energy, offering the Daemon’s touch to the sick and the wounded in hopes to clear them of their afflictions. Once again the moon shone down heavily upon them in this time of need and whilst it wasn’t evident that much change occurred the Kharajyr patient looked up to the grand sage, whispering how he felt Metztli’s loving arms and her breath in it’s bones. Those that could be cured lived and those that couldn’t did perish though one thing was for certain which was that the watchful eye of their creator had once again looked upon them in their time of need, they wouldn’t be forgotten. As the Kharajyr went on thriving they soon came to terms with the fact that their blessing of healing only had effect on natural causes like affliction, disease and famine but had no effect on physically controlled aspects such as injuries from another Kharajyr however Metztli being the greedy Daemon that she is spilled her greed upon her people, she was too proud to want them to fall in combat, she did not want her master race to be stricken by the lesser, more impure races. This is when Metztli returned to her roots, just like she had messed with the Kharajyr in their creation she would mess with them once again as her priests were allowed to go forth and heal her dying people with the moon's embrace. They believed in only Metztli's will to change and to heal and were disgusted by other religions such as the triumvate and would never allow feeble lesser monks to heal them. They were bound to Metztli and only the mother would have a say in fate, the choice between a Kharajyr's life or death. Their worship to their creator whilst growing stronger became the most dominant aspect of the Kharajyr lifestyle and whilst Metztli thought this was a good thing she began to grow disappointed to see that the lifestyle of the Kharajyr began to become rather boring and stale and otherwise not very unique, their insanely amazing and beautifully talented culture had began to go to waste as it was evident that they were forgetting all they had known in the past. The very tribal ways she had watched her people progress into were slowly washing away and she did not like it and as the Daemon began to weep and grow upset she decided it was time to reveal a third gift to her children so that they had another chance to hold onto their brilliant pasts and even their not so brilliant ones. The sages took a mighty while longer to unravel what she had offered to them, the signs that she had shown weren’t vague but rather complicated in the sense that the Kharajyr did not understand. One day whilst the full moon shone upon them they sat into the stomach of their temple, staring into the pool of Metztli they decided it were time they tried to find out just what she was saying to them and whilst she never literally spoke she always gave off a humming resonance of guidance. They chanted and they chanted around the pool of Metztli as they made attempts to commune with her and instead of the usual signs and glyphs to transcribe she offered a new way of speaking to her children, the Metztli drew her power into the blessed pools. Their attention was drawn to the sacred waters as they began to swirl violently forming into the posture of a picture, as if the waters were painting a scene. They stared down into what they could only interpret as the snapshot of Metztli’s mind, visions of the past; their culture. The drums beating loud and the poetry reciting, grand feasts of cake and worship as they all danced around roaring flames. The hanging of criminals on totem poles as the Dra’Metza whipped them into reprimand and the riding of their once glorious sabre mounts. A little glimpse of time to remind them of their pasts, what they were forgetting and all they had done in the name of Metztli. The sages continued to catch slight glimpses of their culture, mere snapshots of Metztli’s wisdom through the use of their sacred and blessed waters in the pool of Metztli but they had caught sight of scenes that made no sense, ones completely out of context. Visions of what looked to be other humanoid lifeforms, ones that only Metztli knew of. Short sturdy beings that lived in great halls, cursed with greed to their hoarding of precious items, large green towers, monstrous yet honorable that walked the sands and lived in primitive structures. They had seen a cryptic scene of the earth’s blood, spewing on their people in a vengeful action, removing their lives without care; this was unnerving for the sages whom did not know what this meant. Yet relatively recently, the last Emperor, Xerdun's father, deemed his dominance to be absolute and he refused to bow before any deity, believing himself greater even than a Daemon. His laziness and arrogance was ultimately to be the downfall of the Khalenwyr Empire. Despite the Emperor’s assassination by his son, Metztli chose to teach her creations a harsh lesson. Unbeknownst to the Kharajyr, the mountain around which their capital city had been constructed was a dormant volcano. In a torrent of fire and molten mud, the civilisation was all but buried and the Kharajyr desperately scrambled to their ships. Fleeing their homes with what little they could salvage the Kharajyr set sail West, to the land of Asulon, the knowledge of their Goddess firmly ingrained into their hearts once more. It was the surviving sages that had realised not only did Metztli give them the prowess of viewing snapshots of what had been but also slight glimpses of what was to come. Though the message of Xerdun’s father drilled into the head of the new young and naive Tlatlanni Tiazar by Xerdun himself Tiazar still managed to become rather bloodthirsty in a sense as upon the revelation of the Kharajyr to the other races of Asulon Tiazar thought himself and the Kharajyr better than any living being (Which was what Metztli had told them.) Some of the races soon turned to war with the Kharajyr and it was not long before their paradisal home of Va’Khajra was sieged from their grasped, pillaged and destroyed. Forcing the Kharajyr to flee to their high elven allies of Haelun’Or. It was then that some Kharajyr began to doubt Tiazar’s ability to lead them valorously and Metztli’s choice to have him as their leader. Some fled to the mainland continent of the apes whilst others stayed true to Metztli and their Tlatlanni. The fleeing Kharajyr were labelled as ‘Ape Kha’ as they did not only leave to the apes but began to adopt their life styles, some even their accents as the Ape Kha were found wandering the hometowns of the ape cultures, this distressed the Tlatlanni majorly as the Kharajyr remained washed up on an island with nothing but a few tents to shelter their heads but still they put every muscle of the few remaining Kha to use in order to construct a temple devoted to Metztli’s worship. Metztli not only recognising the fast falling numbers of her people and the splitting of their population but also the devoted half's attempts to still make contact with her and she decided it were time she had done something to cause a little positive retribution within the lives of her children. A child was born to one of the Tlatlanni’s most devoted moonblades Skar and his Metz’al, a child whom none of them realised would one day become the reigning Tlatlanni. After Tla’Tiazar’s glorious days of rule he began to doubt his own ability to lead and stepped down from his position and whilst the few days they went without a Tlatlanni the newly adolescent cub of Skar began to grow sick, undergoing a horrid transformation to become the new Tlatlanni, Metztli had planned this and sent forth her new Tlatlanni to rescue her people. Tla’Morthawl did this, seeking out an ancient race akin to Asulon, the Mori’Quessir prove to be quite hospitable as they allowed the Kharajyr to inhabit the cold jungle cavern within their home. The only remaining Kharajyr priest Ja’Sirah had stayed true to Metztli though hidden from all of the Kharajyr and so the Daemon’s children felt lost and unguided. Metztli decided she would offer a fourth and final gift now, one for the remaining priests to unravel and express fortuitously and as the small pact of Kharajyr set foot on their new island home of Va’Ranazjar they once again began to put faith in their goddess, believing that her presence was in the massive molten mountain that dotted the centre of their new home. The called it the Maw of Metztli, something to resemble not just her might but also her natural beauty in which the structure contained. She showed her priests how to bless the waters of their new home for the temples they would build, invoking power from Metztli’s maw.but this was not her gift, no. Her gift was soon unravelled however, as the inhabiting races of Va’Ranazjar soon took no liking to their docking on the island. They became savage and hostile and whilst it was the Kharajyr’s natural instinct to fight back with all their ferocity the sages stopped them, spoke to them and told them of Metztli’s new light that she revealed to them and as the moon shone down upon the Daemon’s children she watched her little sages at work, soothing the hostile animals in which would try to remove their presence from the island. Though this was not Metztli’s sole intention for this gift as the Kharajyr soon realised when they discovered that her gift could also be used to recite mass amounts of knowledge of all that Metztli had done for them in hopes of regaining the trust and loyalty of the ape Kharajyr, to show them enlightenment so that they would return to the devotion of their goddess. The priests once again became a very important people in the Kharajyr lifestyle, high ranking and of high importance as they preached to the Kharajyr and sent missionaries out to obtain the lost and unguided ape Kha and those that would not oblige were to be sacrificed in the name of the moon mother so that the Daemon’s imperfect creations could return to her, to be mended. The watchful eye of their loving mother had never failed to look after them and the imbued energy of which the priests now call the Muun’Trivazja still flows through their bodies, forever bound to their mother... -OOC- About the Muun’Trivazja The Muun’Trivazja is essentially Kharajyr magic for ever since the implementation of the Kharajyr the lore has always been quite detailed on how religion is the most important factor of Kharajyr lifestyle and how the order of Kharajyr priests and priestesses were quite magically harmonized with their creator Metztli for it is magic that was used in their very creation. Metztli’s direct blessing and power is passed on to a degree to the Kharajyr priests as they learn to adapt to the Daemon’s gifts and pass this knowledge to the younger priests as the elders begin to pass on. Having decided that it only makes sense for the Kharajyr have magic as their lore is so heavily based around it I started to progress my thoughts in the style that I wanted it to be different. Yes every style of magic is different in the sense that none of it is the same but due to all the recent magic lores I’ve seen I’ve noticed a lot of them being based around combat now this is something I did not want for the Kharajyr as considering they are quite a tribal race they depend on their savagery and ferocity for combat, their primitive ways of fighting are what they use to survive. Now adding powerful combat magic on the top of this would be a severely unfair advantage now this is where the gears in my head turned, for the Kharajyr are quite big on building massive temples of worship and most of the magic is based around religion so this is where I took it. This ability would be restricted not just to Kharajyr only but the religious figureheads of the Kharajyr which are indeed the priests and I want to simplify the ‘abilities’ this magic would provide just so there is no misunderstanding. Twilight-priest A Twilight-priest is predominantly a healer. They have the power to touch against the wound of another, have a beautiful white light shoot down their arm as their eyes glow the same, gleaming white colour. The magical energies reverse the state of the wound, causing it to close or heal in the opposite way to how it was opened. Such a process is very draining for a Twilight-priest, particularly for a novice in this subtype of magic. It is important to note that a Twilight-priest may not be able to completely close or heal the wound, but with each attempt they would aid it slightly on its road to self-recovery. A novice Twilight-priest would be able to heal nothing more than a small gash (an average maximum of 4 inches in length) after applying pressure to the wound for around 2 minutes. During this time, the Kha’ must remain entirely concentrated on the magic as it takes place, or the spell shall break and it may be some time (on average around 30 elven minutes) before you’re able to cast it again. An adept Twilight-priest would be able to heal most wounds on the body, but anything entirely life-threatening like a large chunk of body missing in the chest would be far beyond their power. To heal a gash of around 4 inches would take one minute to completely heal, with a wound of 8 square inches taking 2 minutes, and so on and so forth. After casting, you will have to wait around 20 elven minutes before you may cast a spell of this subtype again while Metztli’s magical energies gather into your own mana pool. A master Twilight-priest is able to heal a wound of 4 inches in around 20 elven seconds, adding another 5 seconds for every extra inch needed to heal. They must merely wait 10 elven minutes before the magical energy returns to them to cast this subtype of magic once more. The most powerful of master’s are able to heal entire limbs back to how they once were, but such a process could take hours and may require to be in close proximity of the Stone Of Metztli in order to completely bring it back. Such a massive task would leave the caster drained for days. The Twilight-Priests also have the power to calm other beings. For example, if one of the Gy’waka birds were to go out of control, a priest may approach it, their eyes glowing a bright white light. The creature’s eyes are drawn to this light and the moment they rest eyes upon it, they are unable to turn away, being drawn in by the magical energies. And this soothing light will calm the brain, rendering the creature into a state of complete calm and solitude for a short while, before finally returning to its normal, non-angered state shortly after. Lunar-Harbinger A Lunar-Harbinger is a priest that partakes in rituals of the Kharajyr, whether this be rejoicing in something, or smiting the unworthy to the grave, this is what they focus on. In Kharajyr culture and religion, sacrifices are a common practice. If someone has committed a distinct crime against Metztli or her people, they may be taken away to be sacrificed upon the top of the great temples. What does this sacrificing include? Not only is it a bloody and gory ceremony that involves ripping the hearts of out a victim's chest, but it involves magic. A Lunar-Harbinger would be able to grasp control of the Daemon fires of Metztli. More commonly referred to as Moon-fire, the priest would be able to manipulate this to their goddess’ will. The most common use of this would be to draw down Moon-fire to burn a body that has been sacrificed upon the altar, so that their being may rise to the heavens to be with Metztli. It is with this fire that they cremate their enemies and their allies, to store their ashes safely within the grand Kharajyr tombs. However that is not its only purpose. The Kharajyr priests realised how they were able to use their Goddess’ gift to their advantage, and use it upon others. They were able to directly call down moon-fire upon those that opposed them. Moon-fire is a deep blue-purple colour. This comes from the idea that Aengul’s are represented by light, and Daemon’s by fire. Metztli offered her blue moon-fire to her chosen, the Kharajyr priests, so that they may use it. Rather than being conjured like evocated fire, moon-fire comes from the energy that Metztli radiates out to her people. Rather than just catching something alight, this fire attaches itself to the very being of that which it comes into contact with, burning away at them unless the priest fails to continue channeling. A novice Lunar-Harbinger would be able to channel the moon-flame at a more passive level, letting it engulf something and quickly spread on its own, more in a blue gout of energy. At such a low level of power this moon-fire would be able to be extinguished easily by higher forms of magic and other physical objects. Whilst moon-fire isn’t true fire, it is still susceptible to water. An adept Harbinger would be able to channel moon-fire at a stronger and more faster rate, allowing it to spread and engulf larger things. At this point, the Harbinger is able to call down the moon-fire in a bolt form rather than a little gout of radiance, doing direct damage to something rather than progressing damage. A master Harbinger would be able to manipulate Metztli’s gift at will, sending this searing moon-fire at most things in his or her path. However, the master harbinger’s magic is stronger, far stronger. The master has been recognised by Metztli, and had his gift empowered. If a Master Harbinger were to fully engulf a being in flame, he could cause a divine image of raw Daemon energy to appear in the victim’s sight, temporarily blinding him. Moon-gazer A ‘moon-gazer’ is a Kha’ that practises in the ways of far-sight. This is the ability to see where you cannot see, to look into the past, the present, and most interestingly, the future. A Kha’ moon-gazer is able to determine where they look, but now what they see. The easiest place to look would be the past, as these events have already come to be and nothing can possibly change that. However, the past may be anything’s past... It may be an event within Kharajyr history, or it may be a glimpse of a human’s childhood. With more experience, comes greater precision. Master Moon-gazers are able to pinpoint what they see to a particular person, while an adept may only be able to focus on one race’s history, and a novice will have little control over what they come to see. Although not particularly draining, looking into the past will prevent you from using this subtype of magic for half an elven day while the powerful energies of Metztli gather around you to fuel your magical powers once more. A slightly harder form of Moon-gazing would be to see into the present. This may be a glimpse of a dark secret a nation wishes to hide... Or perhaps a brief glimpse at an event happening elsewhere... Like a war or a wedding. A novice moon-gazer will not be able to control what they see, it may be a random occurrence happening anywhere, however the magic needs to latch onto somebody in order to display the images so there will always be something to see. An adept will be able to focus on a particular place in general, like ‘Oren’ for example. While a master could pinpoint what they see exactly. Master Moon-gazers are to be feared for their ability to see through your eyes and determine your location. Hiding from a master Moon-gazer is a fool’s errand. With each glimpse into the present, the Moon-gazer will not be able to use this subtype of magic for one elven day. And the most powerful form of Moon-gazing would be the power to see into the future. Only master Moon-gazers may perform this, and to complete the spell it will take one day of meditation and then you will not be able to use this subtype of magic for 3 elven days. There is no precision with future Moon-gazing, what you see will be entirely random. It may be something petty, like a glimpse of a storm soon to come, or the Moon-gazer may lay eyes upon images of a city under attack by a dragon. When scrying into a moon-pool, the moon-gazer will mould the energy from the moon down into a pool of water, hence forth giving it the magical properties required to be able to display images of time. The pools will show a very brief image or loop of time in most cases, that those around the moon-gazer may view. However these images may be presented on other things such as stone, or even the wind, depending on the priest that is casting. The moon-gazer may independently moon-gaze, having the images show within their mind. However these images will be much more fast paced, more controlled by Metztli’s direct connection to the priest. This may severely exhaust the priest, or damage them, rendering them blind. However this blindness will not stop them from seeing Metztli’s gift, and they may continue to moon-gaze, however all other sight will be banished. Moon-gazing requires the OOC permission of the person you wish to gaze into beforehand. Whether it be past, present or future. If you wish to see images of the future, then you require GM permission to do so. They will be the ones to decide what you see. If they say you simply see rain clouds, then so be it. However they may treat you with an image of a future planned event if you’re lucky. To cast both past and present spells, the priest must be in meditation for 10 undisturbed elven minutes, however to see into the future, you must be in meditation for one day (non-elven). Being a novice, adept, or master, merely provides you with greater precision. The time of magic regeneration and meditation remains the same for each level of Moon-gazer. However the priests were not given just the ability to witness the lapse of time, but to assist with it. Many times throughout history did Metztli grow angry with her people and cause natural disasters that would create chaos upon her lands, however, she was regretful. She did not like what she had created, erupted volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis. She had scarred her land. She imbued her Sages with a new way to use the gift of time, to repair what monstrous rend had been created on the landscape. The priests did what she asked, and made her proud. A moon-gazer, when adept enough, is able to twist the ability to view the change in time, to the ability to alter it somewhat. For example, let us say a few trees in the jungle caught fire and burned down, leaving almost nothing left but ruined tree trunks and ash. The priest would travel to this location and begin channeling the Daemon energies of Metztli into forming a ‘bubble’ around the location. This bubble would be in its own independent state of time, where it would begin to slowly reverse the process of time within that bubble. Eventually, the trees that were once burnt down had been restored to a healthy state, rejoining the current time period. However they were wise with Metztli’s gift, not only were they able to slowly reverse time, but slowly progress it. Anything within a time bubble that were to be fast forwarded would slowly begin to decay, wither, and weaken, if not crumble entirely. Thank you for reading this and even if you are no Lore Master I still heavily appreciate criticising responses no matter good or bad, as long as they are criticising and not just pointless statements.
  15. *Scratches chin* Must find skinmaker. Morthawl needs new Kharajyr armour.

    1. Twiddlepop


      Pst Geo. Hey, hey Geo.


    1. Nworb Mas
    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      If you want, we can

      invite you to ours :3

  17. Server is up. (Well it's not...) but I just thought I'd post a positive statuses since all the ones below are about the server being down.

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