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Bat Druid

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bat Druid

  1. Woo, I hit 100 rep. This is my celebration.

  2. In Capitalist America, you run from bear. In Soviet Russia, bear run for you! Vote Soviet Bear.

    1. Samoblivion


      I make vote Soviet Bear because he is good comrade.

  3. What the Stormcloaks like to forget is that the Empire is the only thing keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.

    1. DelaneyG
    2. Cracker


      Hammerfell doesn't need Imperial help

  4. QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where do all the parent-killing Orcs come from?

  5. Goodbye, LotC, I am leaving.

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      For school, and will be back in seven hours.

      Sorry, I know that's not funny, but I just had to.

    2. Drak3


      Silly Arzar. You can never leave this place!~

    3. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      No, I am going to school, and can't play Minecraft or browse the forums.

  6. Anyone want to play a game of "Who Can Hit The Lightest?"

  7. Gate? What gate?

    1. Drak3


      I've never heard of any gate.

  8. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  9. Looking for someone to play a kid soon, PM me if interested.

  10. What's your favourite idea? Mine is being creative.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I just try to think creatively! Now when you look at this orange, tell me please, what do you see?

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      My friend wouldn't shut up in college about this stupid thing for weeks... Please stop uncovering terrible memories...

    4. Kim
    1. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      I actually laughed really hard at that.

  11. Glory to the Sentient Cloud.

  12. Obligatory building montage.

  13. I am sworn to carry your burdens...

    1. Campor


      What do you need to take?

    2. Campor


      Wait, that's Uthgerd. I can't remember Lydia's lines.

  14. *Hacks Oblivion and gives himself infinite health, a weapon that does 100000 damage and proceeds to begin killing all the Imperial Guards.*

  15. Imperial City Watch, I heard of dragons in Skyrim? Will we get dragons

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      >They practically are in TES: Skyrim.

    3. Swgrclan


      You already got dragons. Dragons for days.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      It looks like a forecast of light dragons and a drizzle of invasion from oblivion.

  16. Le(a)nniel Alignment Chart ~ http://imgur.com/7g1vQKY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer
    3. Aptrotta


      And then there is Rimtori who sits somewhere around 'Witch with a Capital B Evil". "This tea is hot... You're not... Now shoo husband..."

    4. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)
  17. Hail the Dome Fossil!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eetswa


      G-Go back to Imgur !!

    3. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I'd rather not.

      It's nice here.

    4. Dilara(lotteje13)


      no worries false prophet... your cute and some of tumblr likes you :) its alright *pats*

  18. http://imgur.com/gz0hOVg I made this. Is it good?
    1. Abysmall


      I like it, the way you're holding your sword is a little weird but otherwise pret-ty coool!

  19. Druids are cool.

  20. In Anthos, it's a reasonable assumption someone is kidnapped until proved otherwise.

  21. #Don'tFreeCrowley2014

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      U wot m8, I swear on me mum, du you even lift bru?

    2. osumanduas


      Dunnae be mean, I swear on me mum.

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      We're srys hur, dun' beh jokin' wit us son, diz ain' no game.

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