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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Birdwhisperer

  1. I miss season three Daario Naharis.

  2. I miss season three Daario Naharis.

  3. Is it ethically wrong to be just randomly throwing references around on this history essay? I feel like it is, but, I dunno if I care.

  4. Can we open the gates to elfy lands?

  5. Is it ethically wrong to be just randomly throwing references around on this history essay? I feel like it is, but, I dunno if I care.

  6. Working on a Thesis for English as an Extra Credit Assignment. I am writing up on how some communities act/respond to others. Would anyone be interested in reading it if I post it here?

  7. so, can my warning points get removed? They are from 2013 and 2012...

  8. We need some FMs doing things, yo. Don't censor opinions, but y'all need to be controlling all the shitposts.

  9. This just in, Dakirennis's real name is Gaylord.

  10. An example of how the Staff listens to the community

  11. tfw you have to wait for someone to /accept/ your VA application so you can RP.

  12. fight me birdwhisperer

  13. Birdwhisperer is ignoring the inbox end her..............

  14. As Rex of the Orcs I demand an FM give into my demands so I may clean orc forum.

  15. is grass spread on by default in plots?

  16. Can we have a winged race?

  17. Can we have a winged race?

  18. Can we have a winged race?

  19. Was Aeldin there during Aegis? (Lorewise)

  20. I bought a pair of cute sneakers at Payless, and I walk to work with them ever day for a good 2-3 months only to find that the outersole is so worn there's a huge hole in it where you could see my feet. Thought I was getting a steal for sneakers at a low price, but I paid for it with raw feet. Never buying shoes from that store again.

  21. The nerdy brid catches the worm.

  22. next map we need to just live in a large city

  23. Kinda sad, I thought the wood elves were doing fine!

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