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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Birdwhisperer

  1. oh okay someone removed my thread that was cool thanks!

  2. oh okay someone removed my thread that was cool thanks!

  3. ginger lumberjack animal control guy took my birdie away...

  4. guys i have a confession. i am actually shiftnative

  5. Is anyone else seeing Africanglasses' double status?

  6. Okay so is there a MA archive or something still? I cannot find it anywhere. Q_Q

  7. I just donated bedrock, can somebody please change my forum donation rank

  8. http://gyazo.com/eb1f820f11161ab54784aab181bc2b7e NEXT PERSON THAT TELLS ME DRUID'S DON'T USE MAGIC IS GETTING A SMACK
  9. everyone is a nob. especially you

  10. So happy that the darkies have evoled to a point to where even if you mention a spider, darkies get grossed out and angry. Came a long way.

  11. http://gyazo.com/114ad600097dc8d9cb62d3ccc51169bc pretty rare pepe ive got here, the "post-breakup elorna"
  12. So Aeldin can't be reached... And I'm supposed to do what with the last two weeks of backstory I've written?

  13. Does anyone Know if Enchanting (Mechanically) and Enchanting (In Roleplay) Are connected? Can I role-play my Enchanter as Enchanting Items in RP? or is it strictly Mechanical?

  14. Does anyone Know if Enchanting (Mechanically) and Enchanting (In Roleplay) Are connected? Can I role-play my Enchanter as Enchanting Items in RP? or is it strictly Mechanical?

  15. I want to be perfectly clear. You're wonderful people, and I enjoy being on this server, and yea, you're just cool guys. Since Aegis I've had fun, I've had bumps, I've caused bumps, but you're all excellent. Ecellens poep,.e

  16. Phaedrus x Elorna OTP 5ever

  17. Ok, by last count we had 3 girls, get in here!!!11 https://plug.dj/lotc/

  18. https://plug.dj/lotc we have multiple grills in here go
  19. http://gyazo.com/d82cdb11556c7d9765a0e3678e5ac959 Great GM's building massive steam driven spider castles in the north
  20. Just tried tapioca pudding for the first time. It's literally just vanilla, I don't understand.

  21. for some reason my self teaching ma got accepted but my regular ma is still waiting. what

  22. When will the void MAs be looked at? Makes me anxious.

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