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Status Replies posted by Jimacat

  1. I'm bored ;-; Someone tell me a story pleash

    1. Jimacat


      I was playing Dark Souls III with my friend who just got it and I told him to kill that one lady and take the basin of vows. Then I watched him and laughed as he got one hit by the Dancer of the Boreal Valley.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Ballin

    1. Jimacat


      I'm the Jarl of Whiterun, holla if you need me.

  3. Map Update #6: Alright! I finished my dinner, and we're literally just doing the last (command) for a large scan! Up next, which shouldn't take long, is the regions, items, and fast travels! Stay tuned.

    1. Jimacat


      Is there any specific times you can give us?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. Map Update #6: Alright! I finished my dinner, and we're literally just doing the last (command) for a large scan! Up next, which shouldn't take long, is the regions, items, and fast travels! Stay tuned.

    1. Jimacat


      lotc is life. when you take away a man's life.. what is left?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  5. givin' her a restart, hold on to your butts

  6. Furries are friendly and fun to hang around with.

  7. The worst part about playing a warrior is picking your character's weapon. Swords and bows are overdone, but everything else makes you look like a special snowflake. *sigh*

    1. Jimacat


      Swords and bows aren't overdone. They are commonly used because that is the easiest and most convenient weapon of choice. There's a reason the english fought with swords and not throwing knives.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. *looks around warily for Jade and her shotgun.

  9. Ridiculous Question of the Day: What do women want in a man?

    1. Jimacat


      A heart, lungs, brain...... The basics.

      *cough* testrone *cough*

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. Server ain't down for me?

    1. Jimacat


      What IP are you using?

  11. I am hiring dwarven strippers for my bachelor party will pay 500 minas for the night if you play one

  12. I am hiring dwarven strippers for my bachelor party will pay 500 minas for the night if you play one

  13. Ughh, I think we need to hire some people to do art like this for the website. http://www.uthrandir.com/#!features/c5ic

    1. Jimacat


      Perhaps we could set up screen shots of battles, cities, you know.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. I enjoy being called Supreme Buttlord

    1. Jimacat


      Supreme Buttlord

  15. Throw all your diamonds around we are on a temp map :D

    1. Jimacat


      what do you MEAN?

  16. Completed Puzzle Tree!!! :DDDDD

  17. Posted new VA for new character :D

  18. http://gyazo.com/c868139241ed603583154215974ebb76 Huh, Aegis got really snowy... I wonder if I can do something about that?
    1. Jimacat


      Can I have the save :3

  19. I got a new graphics card and deleted 30GB of crud off my comp :3

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