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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. ^ Yea. Although that doesn't mean it can't be done. It just can't really happen on a strict scheduled basis.
  2. It just becomes a hassle to keep with updating the map with seasonal changes. However things like the Abresi Winter that Ever and Freya did do seem to work. It is a smaller controlled area. I can work on doing the same for other areas but to filter through the seasons on a server-wide scale would either require all of my time to build/switch the biome/voxel away it when its done or a plugin.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Yipeeokayay mother-

    3. Acornlad


      We need a trailer like this! That was awesome!

    4. Sporadic


      medea teem pls

      Really awesome, so awesome, and yet all I can do is gnash my teeth at that lens flare and women fighting in bikinis.

  3. Anyone know the coords for Gallmore?

    1. Lago


      No, but there's a Fast Travel in the dwarven docks outside Vaerhaven.

  4. I am so excited to show you guys my current project!

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Meaning 'show' show. Not just pictures.

  5. Sometimes I wish LOTC was like an anime where after a battle characters weren't dead but just 'knocked out' or drained of the energy to fight. Saving the deaths for the most epic of epic battles. Of course that will never happen and if it did I would probably wish it didn't.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      :( I like near fatal. It involves less graves and more flowers.

    3. gabriel101x1


      I want people to give my character flowers when she is dying in a bed!

    4. Augor


      Dude, I had an epic mage battle yesterday that ended up in my Deradknight getting beat up pretty bad. It was epic.

  6. These rap battles are hilarious.

  7. I think the ads are telling me to play pro football...

    1. ixTec


      The ads are telling me something else...

    2. Heff
  8. Me and Cruz are Mage bros now. Like fur rulz

  9. I can't remember the last time we were on the front page of minestatus.

  10. Of course not. I am trying to get an LM to read up on the event.
  11. Movie night was fun!

  12. There is a difference between being laxed on lore and creating something that contradicts a bunch of lore. I am not saying it's a bad event because it sounds like a lot of fun. I am saying it has several lore contradictions that LMs need to approve before the event can be accepted.
  13. It's not wrong. It just lacks detail besides being monster events. I was just wondering if the overall event has purpose besides being monster encounters.
  14. Automatons aren't accepted on the server. They are basically golems made out of iron but they surpass the need for an anvil, a PK to create, a golemancer and a smith. Furthermore this machine has a program? It seems to be a bit too advanced for LOTC and fits more into the world of steampunk which we are not.
  15. This event already happened in Lenfarthing and isn't really a full event. It's more of a mini-event so it doesn't really need Viper's seal of approval but let me double check really quick. Venom please contact me and we will set up an appropriate date. EDIT: I have decided to accept this event as the coordinator. I will be contacting you shortly Venom.
  16. It is my opinion that this needs to be reworked. More importantly the entirety of this event is simply to get the ET builders to build for you which we don't do. If we are going to do that much work more intriguing and inspiring lore is needed. Take Lago's lore with the derva city for example. The city was an accessory to the lore and implementation of a use for thanhic ore/another way to make golems. Not the other way around.
  17. This sounds fun. While one may think it would be complicated it really would be quite simple to plan out and execute.
  18. So the point of the quest chain is to do what exactly? I am a bit confused past the point that it introduces more plant monsters. Is this a mini-antag for oren?
  19. Since the Urn already has lore connected to it as well as an event this proposal is no longer viable. I hope you have fun with what Zarsies has planned! The boy is a genius! Locked!
  20. Ref My teacher app! Help me beat Heerzero's 44 person record! We can do it guys! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/95901-iatrilemars-teaching-ma/

    1. MrSyth


      Good luck bud!

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