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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. READ ME: Arcane Evocation- Shielding Arcane -> Evocation -> Arcane Shielding ~~~ Arcane shielding is the act of evoking pure energy into a malleable shield. It is used to block attacks or cast a shield over an ally. The energy evocated has the relative viscosity of glass so at lower levels the shield would require less energy to shatter. Higher tier mages using this sub-type learn to thicken the shield to create a more durable substance sustaining the shield for longer duration and under more stressful situations. The shield takes shape of a round disc which comes from the way the magic is learned. The sub-type is based off emotions just like regular arcane evocation but it also sprouts off the idea that the caster must be balanced and well rounded in the way they think. Shields are infinite in power but can the more powerful the shield the more mana that is needed to sustain it. Forming a Shield: Note: The word disk is a relative term to describe the shape of the shield and the starting point for casting it. The shield itself can in theory be any size The shield is visible like other arcane evocations due to the use of the caster's aura. It takes the color of the caster’s aura. For example my evocation would be a purple color because that is the color of my character's aura. Since it has this glass like quality it is also transparent to some degree. Also assuming pure arcane energy gives off light this would indeed provide a small light source. The shield is formed by concentrating on a single space and evoking pure arcane energy into the shape of a disk. Like other evocations the user is in control of this glass like disk. The user be spread the disk out creating a wider but thinner barrier or condense the energy to give more protection to a single spot. The farther away the shield the harder it is to control. The act or evoking pure energy is no easy task and in turn makes this an incredibly difficult sub-type to learn. The main reason for the difficulty is the fact that evocation is based off of real things. Fire evocation is just like real fire and so forth. While one can study glass and how it is made it takes a level of genius to imagine how pure arcane energy will react with one’s aura to create a pliable magical substance. Low level casters will only be able to achieve plate sized disks. As the caster progresses they will be able to thicken the disc, spread the shield out and eventually, although the hardest to achieve, be able to make the disc flexible in order to cast curved, malleable shields. Shields are always based off round objects and the energy distributed must be equal throughout the entire shield or it becomes too unstable to hold up. A caster will be able to create a second disc at a larger expenditure of mana. The caster must learn how to balance both discs in order to keep from both shattering. Higher tiers can evoke and disperse their shields faster in compensation for this. The art of arcane shielding is based completely off of balance. The user must not only balance themselves but also balance both discs. When using two discs it is commonly seen as 1 disc being controlled as an extension of each hand. Theoretically the caster who has infinite mana and a superhero sense of balance/concentration/multitasking could create as many different shields as he wanted. For intended usage in LOTC past two separate shields would be too much. The shield doesn't automatically pop up. Instead it spreads out from the center point causing energy to flow in all directions creating the round shape. However much like other evocations the higher tier you are the faster you can control your evocation. A higher tier mage will be able to rapidly disperse and evoke a shield. Technically the shield can spread and thicken infinitely. However the larger the shield the more mana. Bigger should begin to rapidly cost more mana and concentration to keep up making giant shield impractical. The size and strength of the shield is scaled to the mana consumed. This evocation is purely defensive based which means while it lacks offensive ability it makes up for it by being a more efficient physical shield than any other sub-type. The only offensive ability of the shield is to perform a bashing attack. However the shield cannot be thrown away from the user. Think of the user as a pivot for the shield. The farther the shield it away the more mana it uses up. Uses of shields: ~Like previously stated the shield is able to defend against physical attacks blocking much like a regular shield could. ~Deflect projectiles by using their shield to knock it off target. A shield not strong enough would just shatter allowing the projectile to continue it's course. ~Eventually have the ability to cast their shield completely around their whole body ~Shields can be used to bash into a target which can break the shield but also knock the target away. This really is the only truly offensive ability of the shield. ~Shield stays around user and cannot be thrown as a projectile ~The caster CANNOT shape the shield into anything besides the disc. The only exception to this is the ability to flex the disc which could form a bubble like shield or if folded in on itself an orb shield. ~This type of magic is PURELY defensive and used as support in battles. ~It doesn't allow one to lift themselves on a horizontal disc ie. flying ~Nothing can pass through the shield without shattering it first. ~ Like hitting a regular hard surface a strike will recoil off the shield. When your shield shatters: Again the viscosity would be glass-like. The shield may be able to be flexed at higher levels but if a sword were to strike it the shield would not be able to flex around it. The shield always keeps a round/circular shape so it can't meld to one's body shape of the shape of an object. When put under enough pressure the caster will no longer be able to maintain the balance of the shield causing it shatter much like glass would. This shattering effect is usually harmless as the evocation quickly disperses back to the void. However occasionally the caster can be hit by their own evocation shattering on them causing them to be cut or impaled by the glass like arcane shards. This effect is also created when imploding on a target. The shard effect is much less substantial when the disc is farther away from the caster. TIERS: (Tiers don't signify unlocking new abilities. The power of the shield comes from how much mana used. So a higher tier mage who has more mana would be able to produce a more efficient shield. Progression leads to more strength, mana, force of bash, durability, radius away from user, size, flexibility, ease of maintaining. I only listed tier 3 because flexing the shield is a milestone achievement and it cannot come any sooner than tier 3. )) Tier 1: Able to create thin plate shields easily breakable and not able to be used as a projectile. Disc must be in the immediate vicinity of the casters body Tier 3: Can effectively begin flexing the shield, can effectively begin bashing shield. PROS: PURELY Defensive magic than prevents physical harm. Can shield and block either yourself or another Can minor deflect other projectiles Can perform a shield bash Based off the single disc shape. Can provide very minimal lighting The more mana you put into the shield the stronger it is. CONS: Difficult to learn in comparison to other evocation subtypes Difficult to shape and cannot be shaped as freely as regular arcane evocation Low tiers can’t create highly defensible shields Doesn't negate magic only attempts to block it Shield forms from an epicenter and takes time to spread out. The shard effect from a shattering shield can harm the user. Cannot be used as a projectile Requires a deep sense of balance.
  2. I feel quite ill. On the bright side brand new profile kitten.

    1. Zarsies
    2. SparehoeCakes


      #GetWellSoon #BrandNewKitten #SparehoeCakesLove #Hashtag

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Just a head cold. Slept most of the day. Kind of hard to concentrate on RP though. I got my magic screenies done and then hopped off. I need pills. :p

  3. Hmmm the FRP forum should have a subforum for apps and OOC. :D

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      There are a lot of things myself and a few others want for the FRP forum lol.

  4. I will give a detailed reply tomorrow. :) It would help if you had a preface and summary to the lore. It helps people wrap their minds around reading all that text.
  5. Iatrilemar reads the pinned note underneath the actual topic. Removing it slowly he examines it before beginning to slowly rip it up.
  6. So many halfings on! How exciting!

    1. NomadGaia


      We are gathering the Armies of halflings, we ride for abresi!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Praetor


      Why is there some armored peasant in that group.

    3. V0idsoldier


      Whos that one guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. The one right there *points*

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Well Spam! Us high elves need guards too, ya know?

    1. VonEbs


      I was told I had to wait for you to be able to teach!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Nonono. I had a three week grace period and now it is open game.

      Hopefully soon I will be allowed to Oversee but we will see.

  7. Samuel is one fine turtle... even though we had to build him twice. http://imgur.com/t69cRLS

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Not my grove. :P I guess the druids could if they wanted to!

    3. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      You forgot the elephants. And the disc. Why have you not recreated Discworld?

    4. Birdwhisperer


      He's so beautiful. :')

  8. So I defintely just reposted my app in the denied subforum. Can an FM help me out? Just another Saturday!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      I thought it would give me an edge on the competition.

    3. Ever
    4. BrandNewKitten


      Thanks for fixing my derp Ever.

  9. MPM should be put into regular MC. C'mon Mojang!

  10. Tier 1 baby! Bring on the shiny arcane shields!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      *Tom smiles as he cackles* "It was all an Illusion"

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Oh my god... Mind blown.

    4. Tom_Whiteman
  11. My idea of the LOTC Arcane spectrum http://i.imgur.com/H4bGV9T.png

    1. Bucky_24


      Where's the Dark Matter :3

    2. hosper
  12. I haven't seen you in game but on the forums sure! 7/10
  13. One problem I see with large scale RP fighting and the tricky part of this guide is following your attackers emotes. Sometimes you are fighting someone who types slow and in your relative time fighting two others have bounced around to you as well trying to strike you while you had already RP-ed swinging before they hopped on over. Time distortion in fights to me is the most confusing thing about RP fights and the hardest to counteract. I wouldn't mind seeing a small section about waiting for other people to progress in the fight a bit before you jump in and maybe something about being considerate to whoever is being attacked. Not all battles should be all Julius Caesar 50 stabs to the back all at once. Nonetheless this is a good guide.
  14. [begin Rant] You can't just copy things, switch out a few words and call it good. That is called plagiarism. [/End rant]
  15. :( I don't know you but I am sure you are a great person. Well hopefully haha 2/10
  16. What about all the events where we had a weakness to silver? Quite a few of these happened as we were told to do so.
  17. Started playing ESO beta. It is fantastic but I didn't get the starter pack I wanted. :( No high elf for me...

    1. Samoblivion


      I've heard it plays similarly to other TES games, with little hotbar mashing. Is that true?

    2. BrandNewKitten
  18. Liiiiikkkkeee a 2/10? Maayyybe...
  19. Look at how squeaky clean the lore section is!

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