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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. I melted a dwarf.

    1. Nug


      I burnt said dwarf. :3

  2. It seems you need to contact Hael for this event. I doubt this will be happening today. Possibly the weekend.
  3. I am curious as to if you need two necromancers. Could it be the same necromancer and his thralls attacking again? It seems a little weird that another necromancer popped up. This event needs GM assistance. I think that would be Hael since it is his necromancer, right?
  4. Hmmm... There has been a lacking of hauntings in Ac'talarah. If the apparition lore has been implemented I can proceed as planned.
  5. Due to the fact that this event has happened in Anthos multiple times and will continue to happen at random I would ask either Viper or an FM to place this in the "completed events" subforum.
  6. This idea will likely take place in the future, at least I will be pushing for it to.
  7. I know plenty of actors would love to play this. I see no reason this can't happen. I will pop this into chat.
  8. Guys let's not troll our manatee friend. :[

  9. Tonight's discovery! http://i.imgur.com/CFYVV9z.png

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      That made me laugh too hard than it should have.

    2. Dyn


      Dat skin is so cute.

  10. Like I said. Nug broke the server.

    1. Bakerismaxamis
    2. youlovesocks


      it's always nug

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I thought that was Kiri's job....

  11. Good luck Mog! I hope you will come back and visit in the future!

  12. Edit: Actually this would be an interesting guide.
  13. I wanna make Ever some trees! Pick me Pick me!
  14. *pets the servers upset tummy*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      *begins pouring everyone's candy in the server's mouth. No candy is safe*

      Ok ok! Just... don't eat me.

    3. Shorsand


      "Why don't we just take the server to the monks, and make it all better?"

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Because iblees now yolo.

  15. So the new launcher can switch between updates!

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Yes but only back to 1.5 which is kind of sad.

  16. Yes. I am a guy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. FlareGunCalamity
    4. CosmicWhaleShark


      When I first saw your username, I had the impression you were a guy, but you wanted folks to think you're a girl. :P

  17. People should not be worried about how difficult it would be to build. If accepted some of us are more than capable.
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