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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Tyler the Creator coming out is the biggest twist of 2017 so far ngl

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space
    3. Scuba


      Eh, I wouldn't call this that though since Tyler, the Creator has been a friend to Frank Ocean who's as much as a brother to him as Earl Sweatshirt would be. It's people probably reading too far into the lines with a rapper who doesn't really give a **** about self-image, so he's sorta the trolling I feel. I'm pretty certain he was just writing a song. 

    4. Space
  2. 'oh yeah the wow class discords are great for helping you improve' i proceed to watch for an hour as the #feral chat talks about nothing but artifact appearances kms

    1. Nug


      theyre S H I T

  3. nothing makes me want to kms more than when someone says 'well they don't HAVE to do anything this is their platform so stfu! >;l'

    1. Narthok


      They're volunteers you're lucky they do anything at all!!!!

  4. Alex 'Where'd My Kids Go?' Jones

  5. gone but not forgotten


  6. can anyone justify eating meat to me honestly think i need to be a vegan my dudes :(

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Space


      Yes, that's the only way to be a meat eater I think. You have to have some sort of 'humanity' indicator that allows you to make the distinction. You can't have a line that doesn't include any humans while also including animals.


      And you'd also have to accept that animals have no rights at all and are possessions and we should be able to do what we want with them, including torturing or killing them.

    3. VeganNatureQueen


      Ya'll eating animals is weird... watch Dominion and see: https://www.dominionmovement.com/


  7. this is the type of positive humour i think we can all get behind https://twitter.com/dirtywaternymph/status/839911866746998785


    1. Space


      fun fact- i got a t-shirt from that band and a few months later it was revealed that one member was a sexual abuser and the other member hid it

  8. @iMattyz resident sargon fan is he trolling about the harassment **** or is he being serious i can't tell https://youtu.be/hsZgkTZZiCk

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      zae literally treats me like a child and questions the definition of half the words i use it's very triggering

    3. Ford




      top 10 rivalries, then

    4. mmat


      I dont care

  9. people say that reverse racism doesn't exist yet every 2017 XXL Freshman is black. Explain?

    1. mitto


      im salty lil peep isnt on there is arguable larger than half of them. like pnb rock who? what the hell

    2. Space
  10. 'hey guys here's problems with literally everyone except for me even thoguh i was one of the most powerful people on the server also i won't offer any solutions because i am literally a human butt hahahaha'


    give me a break...

  11. Space

    sargon 'conservative will win by 100 seats'  of akkad

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. mmat


      You never criticised one of my opinions you criticised a YouTuber @_@

    3. Space


      your opinion on sargon ' Nah he's fine.'


      'Lmao. You say all that with fury in your eyes but what actual evidence do you have

      Besides "I don't agree"'


      why are you trying to gaslight so hard?

    4. mmat


      Because I'm lazy, out hiking in the woods and it's funny


      Probably more of the former

  12. jXTSw7M.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      sargon 'hitler PROBABLY escaped gemrany and lived out his life in argentica' of akkad

    3. mmat


      Hey to be fair it was the FBI that said it

    4. Space


      hey to be fair he should probably read the thing that he was citing



  13. Sessions: Objection. That would be devastating to my case.

  14. post pictures that trigger brit bongers


    1. nordicg_d


      unsuccessful, nice try i suppose 

    2. Jonificus


      South Africa sure is doing better now that the Europeans are gone.

    3. Space


      please don't ever question why someone would call you racist jonificus

  15. wow theresa may you really dropped the ball with that one

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chaw


      **** the scots

      canada should be back under the british empire

    3. Space


      yo guys remember when theresa may called an election with 3 years left on the term and lost the overal majority? HAHAHA

    4. Chaw


      we're gonna get it back anyway


      i agree may is a spastic tho

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